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Syrani Nakajima

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Posts posted by Syrani Nakajima

  1. On 1/13/2024 at 3:59 PM, Leora Greenwood said:

    I was disappointed that the Moles did not give us one of their lovely and very low LI cypress trees in the Mediterranean content creation pack.  I have started looking around to find other cypress that match or blend in well but without much luck yet.  Has anyone found good cypress trees that blend with the Mole trees and the Mediterranean look?  TIA!

    Apparently I have a bunch of Italian cypresses (just checked!). But I'm especially fond of the Botanical ones. Four different sizes/versions in their fatpack, 1-3 LI each. Not totally cheap, but that level of detail is worth it to me. 



    Snapshot_035 copy.jpg

    • Like 6
  2. 4 hours ago, Thea Amethyst said:

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bridesmere/68/176/23 - located on a small island with 3 sides water. (I've had this one for quite a while but found another l like better.  I hate to give it up, but... peanut butter and jelly.. just saying.)

    If interested, feel free to check them out.  No security and doors are open.  If you really like one, please let me know and I can see about releasing one when you can try for it.

    That Bridesmere parcel is really sweet. I would go for it except I'm apparently a stranger in a strange land everywhere except in a sakura (and Sakuraland is so empty, it's sort of sad). I do love the beach houses, though, and may yet find a location I actually like. (I haven't given up yet!) I also love the camping regions and even the little campers, but that's just too small for me. 

    Meanwhile, I managed to roll a really nice ranch: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ralph/24/79/26. On the water, quiet, beautiful, love it. But I don't think I can stay because of the whole sakura thing. If anyone is interested, let me know and I can try and time the release.  

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  3. Last week I had none, and as of today I have three.

    I went from Mainland obsessive to Belli noob to Belli convert to Belli obsessive in the space of just a few days. Now I have an already beloved Sakura 1024 and my principle alt has a 512 Sakura with an AMAZING lakeside location. I love both so much that I can't imagine ever giving them up. I had planned to use my 2nd alt as a way to hop among and play with the various house styles, and did try out a bunch of stilt house locations but wasn't happy with any of then. THEN, out of the blue, we managed to snag a sunset view houseboat. It's now the most fully decorated of the three homes and I really think I have to hold onto it for awhile. So I don't have an account to hop around with and am trying to decide if I should take the 'crazy' step of going Premium with a 4th account.

    I own a lot of Mainland and feel like I can part with next to none of it right now. I am working on a deepwater mermaid lair in one of the original 16 sims (+40/-40 m terraformable), and I have been living to date on several fully designed/landscaped parcels in various far-flung regions. I consider myself a resident of Nautilus City, Bay City and Nova Albion, among others ... 

    But now I've discovered Bellisseria and I already love the community and the vibe and it has all totally turned my head. When I'm hanging out on and tinkering with my Mainland parcels, I am usually totally alone and isolated, with nary a soul within three regions of me. Belliseria feels like it's got more going on. There is the excitement of playing the Game of Homes. There is an infectious energy in the place, and that translates into me wanting MORE MORE MORE Linden Homes to play with. 

    So, we'll see, I guess. My LH saga is to be continued ...

    • Like 6
  4. 6 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

    I've just sent you a group invitation. :)

    Bay City Alliance meetings are every Sunday at the Community Center in Daley Bay. The time alternates between 1 PM SLT and 4 PM SLT. The Rumbles (vehicle races) are  held on Thursdays at 7 PM SLT, and the type of vehicle that will be raced changes each week. Group notices go out for meetings and Rumbles, so if you join the group, you'll get all the details. 

    Thank you! I've already accepted. I hope to make it this weekend!

    • Like 1
  5. On 9/9/2022 at 3:07 PM, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

    I guess you haven't attended any of the weekly Bay City Alliance meetings? All are welcome.

    EDIT: Also, the weekly vehicle Rumbles happen each Thursday night. Again, all are welcome!

    I recently bought land in Bay City (finally giving in to a long smoldering obsession with all the early SL sims) and want to get involved in community life! But I noticed the BC Alliance group was closed enrollment. I also looked for signs of a rumble but guess I did it too late in the day both times. 

    • Like 1
  6. Randall:

    Yep, being a man is a tough job. That's why when I go home at night, I like to put on a pair of panties and a nice dress.


    I know this is an old thread, but I have to say that, Randall, your posts never fail to crack me up. If you need a female platonic blue-haired possibly Cyborgian definitely curmudgeonly wisecracking-yet-sincere BFF to come over and assure you that the dress matches the earrings and the panties match the zeitgeist or whatever, just IM me in world.

  7. Randall, I didn't say I "shirked" ... permanently. I was just remembering those early days, rushing over to the sex beach first thing. Like teenagers ripping into those first cans of beer. Eager and amazed and disgusted all at the same time. And the irony that those of us there watching (way too reticent to join in and not sure how we felt about it anyway) later became actual friends, not hookup partners or whatever the kids are calling it nowadays.

    Back to the subject at hand ... maybe all of us pack-less lone wolves should throw a huge SL party. I'm there!

  8. I used to have close friends in SL and I loved that. But now I'm alone too. I started out in 2007 and left for long periods (some months at least) when a couple of those friends -- the closest -- left for good. Now I am back and determined to "make it work" (i.e. I came back to set all my land for sale and instead found myself playing for three days straight and having a great time ...) However, now my friends list is totally greyed out. Now I've forgotten how to meet people.

    What's funny is that all the close friends I did make were found during my first week or so in SL. We all gravitated right to the sex beaches because none of us had ever seen anything like that before, LOL. It all started in voyeurism ... But these weren't not at all friendships based on sex. We stood around discussing how ridiculous everyone and everything looked. Then, once the fascinated goggling at people's antics got dull, we moved all to all the wonders of SL (The Far Away and other such places), and the discussions continued.

    So I guess the key, and the thing I've forgotten, is all that standing around in various places in SL. It didn't really matter where (though among like-minded folk would be my game plan now). It was all those hours of not having a plan and just standing around talking to anyone. There were many idiots. But among them, a few gems.

    Anyway, this is just to say I'm in the same boat as some of the rest of you who posted here. I'm an oldbie walking around all alone in the world. I'm hoping to change that soon. I'm going to take a few classes, go to a few scifi-themed clubs, maybe start role-playing in Toxia or someplace. I've always wanted to do that but was always too afraid to try (since I'm not a gamer and don't really know how to begin). In many ways, despite being so old (haha, from 2007), I feel like a newbie.

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