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Clint Scorfield

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Posts posted by Clint Scorfield

  1. Yes that's what i'm reading from the files as well which also means it doesn't really matter what we do since we cna't spend the L's we also can't purchase new games from creators with the L's we earn as an operator and since 95% of the skill games that have been and wil lbe created are non-trans we cannot purchase any new games that we may see in the future.  As well as that means that only creators can be operators which also means they have to be the sim owners if I'm reading it all correctly.  As to which a friend told me that the Operator account can name some accounts that the lindens can be sent to I beleive they said 6 when they filed there paper work.  But that would mean out of the hundreds of game creators we might get to use 6 in my case needing to give money from my operator account to a sim owner account would make it 5.  I wish we could get more clarification on this all together so that is why I'm asking.

  2. My question is this.  I have my main account which has all of my land holdings then I have my alternate or bank accounts that control my businesses.  So the question is this is my alt who is not premium and has no land holdings able to be the operator and continue to run the business on a skill games sim owned by my main account.  Or is it best that my main becomes the operator and then begin the entire business from scratch?  I also have no issues turning the alternate account into a premium account to follow the validation process with up to date payment info.

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