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Raine Teardrop

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Posts posted by Raine Teardrop

  1. I am having the same issue with my Linden home, the door should open for me regardless of being locked or not but it does open in either state. Hitting edit makes no difference, i tried that. I guess its time to go through the tediuos process of submitting a ticket that will take so long to get responded to that the problem will probably have fixed itself

  2. So I went there I read it and frankly could not believe it. I suggest you contact the sim owner and get her banned from the sim. Anyway, anyone who reads it can see you did nothing wrong. I did feel the need to respond to her though and posted this response. BTW since this thread went up several people have commented on her blog all in your favour.

    Posted on the blog linked in the OP

    I'm sorry but the simply is no such thing as rape in second life. No avatar can be made to do anything without consent. You consent when you sit on the posebasll or accept the request to animate your avatar. Using RLV you consent the minute you log in using it or open up your RLV relay or collar.
    Olsin did and said absolutlely nothing wrong. There was no sexual content in his conversdation merely he expressed a desire to get to know you better. Intimate can mean any number of things and given the nature of the sim we all know what he meant but it was not overtly sexual. I was IM'd by a guy who clicked on me on mini map when I was at my home with a friend chatting, he expressed very explicitly his wish to have sex with me and impregnate and was most persistant on the point even asking me to teleport to my home there and then for sex. Had that happened to the blogger I believe she might have cause for complaint. Did I threaten to report this guy no, because at the end of the day had he not stopped I know where the mute button is.
    To my mind it is the blogger who has violated ToS and should be reprted to LL but as she knows full well they don't act if IM's are posted for all to read outside SL, only had she circulated it within SL. So you have to wonder who's really flagrantly ignoring the spirit of ToS, the gentleman who complimented the blooger on her avatar and asked to get know her better or the blooger that posted it and screamed sexual harrassment?

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  3. Have you tried going to one of the inworld help areas, last year my avatar kept going totally red from the waist up, at first it corrected itself then became permanent, friends could see it and since I was only a few months old I called on my more experienced friend who had introduced me to SL, he took me to a help island and they asked if I had updated my Nvidia video drivers, I had. I rolled them back and lo and behold problem fixed. Whilst I'm not suggesting its your video drivers (unless you updated them and then developed this problem) it's always worth visiting a help island where someone can actually see your problem.

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