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Kent Hutchinson

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Posts posted by Kent Hutchinson

  1. I change skins every year to six months.  SL creators are constantly coming up with improved skins so I feel some pressure to keep up.  One thing I do to keep my look as consistent as possible - I keep my head shape and body shape the same and I have had the same eyes and shine attachment for two years.  I think if people recognize your eyes, they will recognize you, even if you change your skin.

  2. To be honest, I think the idea of identifying helpful residents is merely interesting / amusing.  I have to admit that I was happy to go from 'resident' to 'recognized resident' to 'honored resident'  ... but yeah not sure if it matters that much and anyway your in-world profile doesn't seem to track with these forum rankings at all.  I'm plain old 'resident' in-world.  

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  3. I feel shamed for saying it because it's my sim, but during Mardi Gras celebration, Hutchinson Parish is kind of fun to check out the mardi gras decorations.  The residents are building Mardi Gras style parade floats which is kind of cool.  It's also LGBT and straight friendly.  

  4. I know more about the great gay places.  Boystown's BLU is great and their weekly SET theme parties are amazing.  I also like IGBC, Tadd's Cabaret, Asylun and 'on da low' at Paradise Alley Estates.  I mention these because they are all plplaces that I have had a lot of fun at or really loved the music - and they are nice guys managing them.  Recently opened is Gay Riveria that has several venues I think.  Of course personally I love 'Q' club in Hutchinson Parish on Tuesday and Thursday nights - but I have a very biased reason for saying that!  Full disclosure;  it's in my sim.  You could also find some DJ's who spin music that you like and subscribe / follow their DJ info groups because most DJ spin at multiple venues.  

  5. You can teleport - but if you are new to SL you may not know where to teleport to!  I suggest that you log onto SL and go to the search field. Search on 'newbie friendly' or 'newcomer friendly' and when a place you like the description of comes up in the search window, click "teleport" and go there.  Do this a few times to find some interesting places.  You might also like to shop for appearance items, or maybe you have a special interest (such as surfing, boating, horseback riding) - and search on one of those terms.  Teleport to a few places that you find in search.  Landmark the places you like the most and travel back there.  Linden Labs has several "welcome areas" and these might be a good place to start.  Lastly, be careful where you go.  Pay attention to maturity settings and behave accordingly.  Also be wary that there are some characters who hang about in newcomer areas and these people might try to take advantage of your newcomer status.  After some practice, you will find lots of great places and friends to visit over and over in SL.  Enjoy!

  6. I have seen a lot of this too, Lexbot.  I first noticed it when people started using Phoenix or Emerald and the so called extra attachment points.  Now that V2 has almost unlimited attachment points, I see it more and more.  Necklaces on avvie legs.  Watches attached to chests and the avatar seems to be unaware of it - experienced avatars.  What I would do is check my "wearing" tab and make sure that I am only wearing the attachments that I intend. The other thing I do is be careful to select "wear" instead of "add" when I want to switch a wearable and only use "add" when I want to try wearing two at the same time.  So far, so good.  Also, it could just be a bug and SL adds these things to the apparently wrong attachment point sometimes without the avatar seeing it.

  7. Hi Loki, you didn't do anything wrong.  This problem is actually as old as SL itself.  Note that it can also happen while you are flying.  If the SIM you are moving around in is experiencing lag, OR if your internet connection slows a little, then SL gets confused.  Other causes are when your avatar is crossing sim boundaries because your avatar data has to transfer from one sim to the next.  Some things you can to:  immediately when you see your avatar doing this, stop trying to move.  Just let the viewer catch up.  Another trick is to try and move slowly, especially in areas where there are a lot of other avatars or laggy places on the grid.  Of course it's harder to cure, but a faster internet connection also helps.  

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