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Lucretia Robbiani

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Posts posted by Lucretia Robbiani

  1. Sorry Sappa....didn't see your message until now as I've been overseas.

    I'm on an iMac. Running OS X 10.6.8 My graphics card is an ATI Radeon HD2600 The Secondlife Viewer spits out the following regarding OpenGL Version: 2.1 ATI-1.6.36

    I've never had shadows (it's a Mac, after all...SL & Macs don't play nicely together in that regard) but until a few months ago, I had a good, stable connection & was able to function quite nicely on my high graphics settings. Now I'm reduced to the absolute basic settings & even then frequently have trouble with TPing & waiting for anything to load. It's effectively made the whole SL experience almost impossible. And nothing has changed with my hardware. Interesting that more & more people are having the same problems (although it'd be even more interesting if I could get it to work properly! lol). I also seem to be having more & more problem connecting to the secondlife website in a timely fashion. I wonder if they're having server issues?

  2. I am having similar problems except I'm on a Mac. SL worked fine up until a couple of months ago. Now it frequently crashes. I can't TP without crashing most times & last night it took over an hour for a sim to load for me on the lowest settings. I used to do a lot of photography, etc...now I can barely move & can't see anything because it takes so long to load. Nothing has changed...I'm really puzzled.

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