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JueL Resistance

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Posts posted by JueL Resistance

  1.  Second Life landed on the steps of 'The Sims Online' many years ago...2004, when a friend mentioned SL. I hadn't heard of it and being that I  LOVED Multi Player , what the heck!  So in 2004 SL popped up on my computer and there it was...small, full of glitches and quite fonfusing, because...This Wasn't a Game...what was the POINT..I asked my friend. 

      About 6 months or so later, I quit. I wasn't earning any points for anything and quickly got bored. I had no building skills and didn't understand why we sat on a wall to earn a couple lindens.. However, I had made a new friend .. who took all my lindens and anything in my inventory .. he said "i'll give these to you when you come back JueL'' ....and a few months after that...as we entered 2004, I was back and decided to hop on the learning curve and get with the program..... Live music had just came into SL .. and well..it was my '2nd time' doing it for the first time.

      I had just spent the past decade NOT writing songs because I had married the love of my life...and he had 4 boys....and THAT took up most ALL my time...I hadn't played my guitar or writen a song in so long , that I kinda thought it had left me....TEN YEARS of NOT doing something that you once did Constantly...was a heck of an adjustment...So I pushed the songs down....didn't let the out on paper....   Second Life comes along and Live music enters the scene and NOW it was bubbling in me so much that I felt I would explode with songs....and slowly....it started happening again...

    ...Funny thing is...HOW? Only a few people were hopping on the live music bandwagon and I mean 'a few' haaa. I was listening to Frogg n Jaycatt, Lyndon Heart, Astrin Few and a handful more.....FoxyFlr Cure, Melvin Took, Slim Warrior .....We were facing head on where no one went before.....except Pal Talk, which I had never heard of before....

    We dual streamed, we even did 6 of us on one stream at MENORCA (slim warriors old place) and then came some REALLY cool musicians, Ricardo SProcket, Cylindrian Rutabaga ... and the list really really goes on...the talent back in the begining was Astonishing and Brilliant...we Went to each others shows, We supported one another...there was no competition (maybe some FUN stuff haaa) .... We were being interviewed by Rolling Stone Magazine and WiRED dot com and heading into studios.....Even had a couple hours on NPR with a series called Through the Looking Glass with Howard Jones and Suzanne Vega (we weren't all together, we were part of a series that Bill Lichtenstein did) ..... SL was peaking and it was a HELL OF A RIDE!!! Musicians were all over the place and opening up the doors for huge companies to come in , like DELL...who hired various musicians (myself included) to perform for various 'new releases' of their product......

      I met Charles Bristol -86 yr old Blues musician...WHO STILL at 91 continues to do shows in SL!!! I met "Etherian...I met David Cszar, Cylindrian, Beth Odets, Mash Rhodes...I met Ham Rambler in WI and had some drinks while doing an Open Mic ... Always FUN and always adventures.  I've met MANY more in SL and RL but to name them all would be quite time consuming.

     What a ride it has been..to start from something we all thought was fun and crazy to be in my 9th year...well, that simply blows my mind! We talk about the HISTORY of SL...we can't forget those that have crossed our paths, led us in so many wonderful directions (Delinda, Feliicia, Circe, Shan.....and again, there are more.....) the ones that LiT some FIRE under our butts, got us inspired, gave us a lil encouragement.

     When I first started in with the music...I would DJ for Circe haaaaa and before I had a mixer, I had to pre record my songs to be played while I stood on stage...CRAZY eh?   What a long way we've come....

    and EBBE what a fantastic community you have entered :) Thanks for the great introduction and many blessings to you!!!!

    -Suzen JueL "Resistance" 


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