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Bublee Bing

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Posts posted by Bublee Bing

  1. Hi, Cinnamon,


    after thinking the unavailability of "answer" over and looking closer, I realized that I'm on the wrong platform for a conversation, other than in the forum... emberrassing... But still, thank you very much for your patience and your help! I'll try to rezz the Box somwhere else and do as you recommended. Thank you a lot!

    I'll let you know if it helped :-)

  2. Hi, Cinnamon, thank you very much for your answer. To your first question: no, I don't. Where could I find them?


    (I made a screenshot of what I get on XStreet, but don't know how to post it (as well as I couldn't find any button like "answer" or a field for a new comment on both of your answers. I can only give kudos, accept as solution, email your answers to friends, report inappropriate content etc, but no "answer" :-/ )


    Nevertheless, I have a list of the content on the left side on XStreet, and an empty space on the right, saying "These are listed items, that are not connected to an active inventory (stock) and hence can't be delivered".


    The communication between the Box and XStreet / Marketplace is definitely failing. But I checked the group, which is the right one, and scripts are enabled on the land anyway. You see, I'm desperate, because so far, I checked everything and still it doesn't work :-(


  3. Hello, all,


    I moved my Magic Box to another SIM following all steps described in this Forum:

    I took it into my inventory, went to the new place, rezzed it there, set it to the new group, clicked on it and clicked "Reset". Then I went on the Market Place, clicked "Sync Market Place with Magic Boxes" and pressed the refresh button. Nothing happaned. All items are still unavailable. :-(

    When I press "Box status", it leads me to the old XStreet- Stite where it says that non of my items are available (oh, really?!). Trying to translate what exactely it says: "These are listed items, that are not connected to an active inventory (stock) and hence can't be delivered"

    Unfortunately, it doesn't tell me how to change this and make the items be deliverable.

    Could someone, please, help me?


    Thank you in advance!
    Bublee Bing

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