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Betty Doyle

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Posts posted by Betty Doyle

  1. Resurrecting this old thread because I recently upgraded to Maya 2015, and have been working on learning to use Turtle. I was having this same problem until I also discovered that switching to Brute Force fixed the issue. I just found this thread when searching for help and wondered if anyone had figured out how to get good results using Irradiance since it is so much faster.

  2. I am using Maya 2011.  Neither Open Collada or dae_fbx have worked for me.  I haven't gotten a chance to work on it again since I first posted though.  Had to work on another project for a deadline coming up. I prefer rigging in Maya, but I guess if I have to I can always use my work around of linking a small mesh from Blender with the z offset to the boots rigged in Maya. It just bugs me that I can't figure it out!

  3. @Nalates - Thanks for the suggestion.  I did look and noticed that the Blender file only listed 23 bones, where as the Maya file listed 26, but I wouldn't think this would be it as the boots upload rigged just fine as long as Joint Positions isn't checked. Not that I'm an expert at readign the files, so there may be other differences that I'm missing.

    @JackRipper666 - Yes.  That is where I am setting the Z Offset.  At least, now I know it does work with files from Maya, and there isn't some SL glitch!  Is there an extra step you have to take in Maya to make it work that is different from just regular rigging?  When I do the test from Blender, I just do everything exactly the same as I usually would and then set the z offset in the uploader.

  4. I've been playing with getting a pair of high heeled, rigged boots I made to work with the mesh deformer.  Obviously, you can't use a shoe base with the deformer to lift the avatar to the appropriate height because the foot section of the boot will deform to match.  Not pretty.  I've gotten z offset to work perfectly when exporting a test mesh from Blender, but I've tried everything, and I just can't get it to work with Maya 2011.  When I wear the mesh, my avatar disappears into never never land until I take off the boots and relog.  Has anyone gotten this to work?  Is there some extra step that has to be done in Maya that I'm missing.  Any help would be really appreciated!  Right now I've worked out a work around with linking the Maya rigged boots with the z offset test mesh from Blender within SL, but I'd prefer not to have to do that. :)

  5. I don't really know. This is how I was shown to do it, and I've never really had a reason to try a different way.  I just assumed that since you said you had combined your mesh, that you were working with a number of separate objects, instead of applying multiple materials to just one.  I would guess there is a way to do what you need.  Wish I could help out more!

    I'll second what Fluffy said too.  I use 2011 and have never had to use a converter.


  6. There may be other ways, but this is how I was taught to do it in Maya.  Only combine the pieces that will be in the same UV map/texture.  So if you had two textures, you would have two sets of combined objects.  When you export, select the entire thing.  It will import into SL as a linked object, and you can use edit linked parts to select and texture each part of the link set just like with any other prim.  Hope that makes sense. :)



  7. Yes. I believe it's the first freeze that actually flips the normals the wrong way after an object is mirrored. However, it doesn't seem to work the other way around.  Reversing normals first, so that they are inside out, and then freezing transformations does not flip them the right way again.  At least, that's how it appears from my messing around with it. :)

  8. I don't know if this will help with your issue, but when I make shoes, I do it this way:

    1. duplicate object

    2. -1 to mirror

    3. freeze, reset transformations, delete all by type history (you'll see this message: // Warning: Freeze transform with negative scale will set the 'opposite' attribute for these nodes: polySurfaceShape21)

    4. Normals - Reverse Normals

    5. freeze, reset transformations, delete all by type history

    6. export



  9. It looks like maybe one of the torso or lower joints is rotated wrong.  I had the opposite issue. The skeleton I had was rotated at the Torso making the upper body tilt backward.  After much frustration, someone helped me figure out what the problem was. I've uploaded my fixed skeleton if you want to try to use it.  I've rigged this one to a copy of my avatar's mesh to test it, and everything lines up inworld.



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  10. Hi Milla :)  The smoothing that happens when you hit the 3 key is only kind of a preview really of what it will look like if you use the Mesh - Smooth command.  That will not import.  What you see when you have 1 selected is what you're going to actually get.

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  11. I use Blender to bake patterned fabric first and then bring it into PS as the fabric layer.  There is a tutorial here on how to do this: http://anothertutorial.wordpress.com/2011/07/13/secon-life-waist-seaming-tutorial/

    It's a bit different in Blender 2.5 and 2.6.  Unfortunately, I'm out of town right now and don't have my notes in front of me about where the changes are.  If anyone wants the newer Blender instructions, I can post them after Christmas when I get home.


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