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Jez2k Republic

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Posts posted by Jez2k Republic

  1. Surely the most-used current OS, be it 7, 8 or 10, is more at risk than XP, which fewer people use because the target for hackers is far greater. In any case, I've yet to see any evidence that XP is at risk. I've tried visiting the dodgiest of websites and apart from nuisance websites that refuse to close (which would happen on other OS's anyway), I've never had any problem, and I always report phising scams that appear in my inbox. As for the newer versions of Windows, 7 is approaching its end of support, 8 is the most atrocious OS ever devised by MS, and 10 is absolutely plagued with problems.

  2. Don't listen to all of the scaremongering regarding security on XP. Just install AVG. I've never had any so-called security issues (I also use the free version of Advanced SystemCare). I'm still using XP and running a viewer called CtrlAltStudio. Its based on Firestorm, but its been abandoned. Why is this a good thing? Because an update would result in XP compatibility being dropped. Furthermore, abandoned viewers are less likely to be blocked by the authors. CtrlAltStudio is the most recent of the abandoned viewers. The only downside is that it won't render bento. Its not a show stopper however. Very few people are wearing bento items. You'll recognise them by the super long pole sticking out of their non-existent faces. I have a GTS 450 which can quite happily handle LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

  3. Thanks everyone.  I use Firestorm and yet the problem has been there for a few years, over which I have done a few clean installs, sometimes of just Firestorm, others a complete format and reinstallation of Windows (for other reasons though, not SL). I'm not noticing cracks and flaws for the first time. They are very noticeable and jarring. Whats that pointy thing sticking out the back of my neck? Why do my pecs collapse in on themselves when I increase their slider setting, making them look practically inverted?

    I've never played around with any LOD, so naturally its still on the default of 2.000 in the debug settings (which I only found by googling). And increasing it to maximum has no effect on my stray polygons.

    Every other avatar I look closely at, even older than mine, does not have these anomalies. I'm guessing I just got dealt a very poor mesh when I signed up over 6 years ago.

  4. Something has been bugging me for a few years. Upon close examination, the back of my avatar's neck appears to be jutting out slightly with an angle, the shoulder blades too, and the heels are quite angular also. In some sitting poses, the top of the stomach juts out. And this may or may not be related, but when I edit my shape and change the pectorals, the minimum setting seems ok, but when I slide it to the right, the pecs collapse in on themselves and it looks ridiculous. I've tried various shapes and skins to see if any of them could fix my problem, but no luck whatsoever. The character test didn't fix it either.

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