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Benji Sorbet

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Everything posted by Benji Sorbet

  1. Ok this may be weird but im looking for an old drop script? where you can drop a ball like down a ramp and the others keep going like perpetual motion I really need to find it full perm thanks
  2. other people dont see the items either its not just me ive tried different viewers and thats no good either im not techy im not a scripter im a builder why in the world arent these things working right
  3. when some things rez from the plate sometimes its there but its invisable i click manage on the menu and it says somethings rezzed when i cant see it when i take out the mesh that rezzed that i couldnt see and readd it the plate and redo the nc then it will show other mesh food and drink items simply wont rez at all they havent rezzed far from the plate their not hiding somewhere their just not there manage shows how many items are rezzed and for the things that refuse to rez at all the menu says 0 the simple script someone pasted i tried inworld it says the mesh drink is rezzed next to the plate in the spot i put it in the things that dont rez i see nothing from that simple script
  4. i just tried a little while to rez something from a new plate thats worked in the past and now it wont as far as the script creator i thought he might have some kind of rl problem but honestly how is anybody supposed to know? theres nothing in his profile theres nothing at the store he logs on like once every 3-6 months although he was doing that a long long time ago when i was in his group people would ask questions and there was nobody to give them an answer
  5. ive been using this same script (a paid one btw) for a long time and its worked for a long time some months ago now it decided for some reason to not rez everything ive been using it right since its been working right the right perms the right spot on the plate and all that now the stuff that ends up invisable i can readd and do the process over again and it shows the stuff that doesnt rez, well, it simply doesnt rez it hasnt moved anywhere it isnt taking a long time to it just isnt appearing that simple script works for the stuff that rezzes it tells me the drink is where i see it (ty btw) the stuff that doesnt rez i see nothing ive tried a totally different sim ive tried having someone else try and rez things no good sometimes if i add a plain old prim to the mesh food item i can get it to rez sometimes not sometimes if i redo the process 6000 times i can get stuff to rez sometimes not sometimes nothing works ive tried different plates and placemats and different food a while back hamburgers wouldnt rez now it will ive made many things in the past using this script plates to lunchboxes and it worked is it me? is it my computer? how do i figure all this out? im so stuck
  6. im trying to rez food from a plate as part of a table setting the script is no mod and the creator is a bum
  7. ok i'm sorry if this is the wrong place for this but i really don't know what to do i dont understand much about scripts so bear with me please i have a rezzer script its supposed to rez say food from a plate but in the last few months has stopped working right it has the ability to rez a lot of things but it only rezzes some of the things usually some mesh and not others either it says the item has rezzed and i see nothing there or i click the menu to rez the item and nothing appears the blue menu disappears and i have to click the plate again to get the menu back again i've had these scripts for years and it was working fine now i dont know what its problem is every item in the plate is copy every item is full perm to me ive tried different viewers ive tried adding a prim to the mesh (works sometimes) ive tried different settings on my computer ive tried readding the item to the plate about a dozen times this is many items btw not just one thing ive contacted the script creator many many times he just doesnt answer no idea why tried im's nc's he has a mailbox and a pager at the store still no answer i just dont know what to do or who to turn to i cant sell any finished products this way ty folks
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