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Jazzy Bianco

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Everything posted by Jazzy Bianco

  1. Thank you all so much for replying. You have each given me ideas to consider. I never thought I could possibly help someone else out or maybe start my own group. I am usually inworld weekdays after 3pm slt, and anytime on the weekends. Feel free to contact me! Thanks again.!
  2. I have been a part of SL for over 2 years. I have tried to join a sorority-failed. I have tried to have a relationship-failed (he left SL). I have tried to model-failed (I don't know if the company is around anymore.) I have been pretty much a loner. No friends, no family. My time is spent visiting the different live music events, different clubs, sightseeing, exploring, shopping, etc. all alone. I have tried and tried to make friends and yet I fail. I join in on the conversation in local chat. I pm a person when I have a comment just for them. I really make an effort but it seems that everyone has their established family/friends and thats it for them. What am I doing wrong?? Should I just acknowledge that SL is not for me and leave? I have thought about getting into rp but I have no idea where to begin or how that works. So thats a dead end.
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