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Posts posted by MyraMidnight

  1. I am a 34 year old dragon, artist, web developer, wiki-nerd, student, wife, mother...

    I really love to customize, which lead to my love for modding, was deeply into the modding community surrounding the SW dragon avatars at one time, still a personal favorite to this day.

    I have a tendency to be away from SL for long periods (specially after I had my boys) of time but I always come back to it, it's like the little corner of the world I can't imagine leaving, but the lack of engagements/activity whenever I do come around contribute to the absences (I tend to blame my timezone, but my tendency to not explore on my own is also a reason). I think I've gotten stuck in a loop in that regard, no activity if I'm not active, inactive because of no activity, I should cut that loop and rediscover SL one of these days...

    perhaps after exams...

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  2. Was your choice of animal/furry for representation determined by a preference before you came to SL?
    I had established myself as a dragon before I even knew about SL, so I would say no, SL had no effect on how I see and represent myself.

    Do you represent more than one kind of animal, if so what animal?
    I am always represent myself as a dragon with some dinosaur like features (can imagine a raptor or some allosaurus with wings, heh).

    Is your furry account your primary account?
    I only have one account, I really dislike the idea of alternative accounts for myself. I am always me.

    Was your choice of animal based upon popular culture -- e.g., anime or manga, books, movies, TV shows?
    My choice wasn't really based on any culture, but it started as a roleplay on a forum full of fantasi creatures such as vampires and werewolfs, I've always just resonated with dragons.

    Does being an animal give you an escape from your in real life stresses?
    Well, when I was younger it was a great way to express myself. I have reached a place where I am quite happy with my real life situation, so nothing really to escape anymore, strictly speaking.

    Is there a religious or spiritual dimension to your choice of animal?
    I would say it has a spiritual dimension, I have always seen myself as a dragon and did find my way around the dragonkin community, but perhaps I'm not of the sort that has any past life memories.

    Do you ever represent as a furry in real life (e.g., cosplay, RP, conventions, etc.)?
    I admit that I don't really dub myself as a furry, would go with dragonkin if I had to choose, but the line is quite blurry and it does not bother me. I have actually attended a single furry convention and had designed a mask of my dragon self for the event, went with a group of local furries, so it was somewhat of an event since we had to go over-seas. But generally that mask just sits on the shelf to look pretty, I don't attend events often. I wore it once to the free comic book day with a few other friends in costume, it was fun, I was very pregnant, haha.

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