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Karalee Larsson

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Posts posted by Karalee Larsson

  1. I appreciate all the help.  I had originally missed the first step to set my contribution on the group page.  I finally removed the check mark on about land by joing the parcels together and then removing the check mark.

     As an exercise I went to another parcel owed to set the process up as group owed land under a different group name and it was double counted against my land holding.  So looks like I need a ticket to be able to make individually owned land into group land without double counting against my land use fees.

    Again I appreciate the help from everyone who responded.

  2. I followed the above instructions earlier and found 0 contributions. So it seems I had not properly completed the deed land to group process. However I am still unable to remove the check from the “owner makes contribution with deed” from one piece of the land.  Perhaps it does not impact anything but I am concerned it will cause a problem at some point. Also I can’t sell the land to the alt as she can’t purchase land.

  3.  I have property that I recently deeded to my group (me and alt) . But then I decided I will either rent or sell the property. I  split the land in half today and then recalled I needed to deal with the group deed.  I started following the instructions to remove the contribution and sell it back to myself.  I must have done it incorrectly to begin with as the contribution already showed as 0 on each plot.  On one half of the land  I was able to simply uncheck the group and uncheck owner makes contribution with deed.  On the second half I can not remove owner makes contributes with deed.  I have tried several times to sell the land to myself for  $0 and also for $1.   I am unable to get a "buy land" button. .  And I am already the owner.  I am stuck as to how to remove the makes contribution with deed designation.  (Note: there is also a third plot of group land that is not deeded, as the 10% bonus.Not sure what else to call it.)

    land question.jpg

  4. I just sold some lindens for dollars and want to pay my upcoming premium renewal and my land fees with those dollars.  Under my billing info I have tried multiple times to edit "payment used for"  so that the credit card on file will not be used to pay premium or land.  That change will not save.  How can I make sure that premium and land payments come from dollars not from my credit card? 

  5. I went from set to group to deeded to group after the land was already rented and occupied as a first attempt to fix the problem.  The tenant and I agreed to start from scratch.  He removed his property, I refunded his lindens and reset the land for rent.  He rented again. I readded him to the group.  He set down his belongings and now he is able to do the things that his role permits. I appreciate all the help.

  6. Thanks for the suggestions.  Yes we have triple checked the roles settings and the tenant has relogged a number of times as well.  I did look through some of the links suggested earlier by someone else.  I don't know anything else to try. I can set some of the settings such as for music and media for renters, but I respect that some want to handle that kind of thing on their own.

  7. Originally the land was simply "set" to group. One of the steps taken to problem solve the situation was to make the change to  "allow deed to group" and "owner makes contribution with deed." No sale was involved.  Changing from set to group and deeded to group did not change the tenants ability to make changes to music and media settings.

  8. I have rented out land on the mainland to someone else. I am owner of the land which is now deeded to a group.  I am also one of two owners of the group. The renters group role permits him  to change media and music settings.  All though the renter is wearing the group tag he is unable to make any music or media settings for that parcel of land.  We have been working on this over a week and have been unable to resolve.  Please share any suggestions you have. Thanks.

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