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Snow Enchanted

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Posts posted by Snow Enchanted

  1. I wonder if people dont like V2 is because it doesnt work smoothly on THEIR machine or they havent got the patience to work it out. 

    Evrytime i ask someone what the problem is , they cant usually give a specific reason, which leads me to believe that , as with everything in life, most people just don't like change.

    Viewer 2 is a bit limited in places and complicated in others , but it works once you understand it. Some people are so impatient. If its all you've known, you just get on with it.

    On V2 i can do everything that others can do with different viewers and usually faster. Not because V2 is a better viewer , not because i'm particularly clever, just because of practice and not giving up when its a bit tricky.

    I've been on SL 9 months and wouldn't use anything else. 

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