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Kendall Edman

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Posts posted by Kendall Edman

  1. ok I kinda got it to work, I messed around and got it to recognize multiple lines but the word title shows up in front of my custom title, it looks somthing like this(title MyCustomTitle) this only shows up on line one.

    this is what i did.

    listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg)
            string mesg;
            mesg = llToLower(msg);
            if(chan == 1)
                if(llGetOwnerKey(id) == llGetOwner())
                {                if(llGetSubString(mesg, 0, 5) == "title ")
                        title = llGetSubString(msg, 6, -1);
                        title = llDumpList2String( llParseStringKeepNulls( msg, ["|"], [] ), "\n" );
                        if(llToLower(title) == "titleoff")
                            title = "";


    I know I did something right but I also messed up something because title is showing up, however I am getting more than one line now, so my question is what did i do wrong?

  2. i am not good at building scripts from scratch, but understand scripting enough to mod them to work for me.

    i have however ran into a snag, what i am trying to do is turn a titler into a multi-line titler.

    heres the snippet:


    listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg)
            string mesg;
            mesg = llToLower(msg);
            if(chan == 1)
                if(llGetOwnerKey(id) == llGetOwner())
                    if(llGetSubString(mesg, 0, 5) == "title ")
                        title = llGetSubString(msg, 6, -1);
                        if(llToLower(title) == "titleoff")
                            title = "";


    i know that \n starts a new line but saying it in open chat wont work, what i need help with is making an un-used character make a new line on a titler.

    i have seen some others that use a pipe character "|" to start new lines. if i can get help with making my script do that it will be great.

  3. oh right, i forgot about the details.......... well they are pretty much the same as Ranya and Tommi.

    i took the test but its not updating, the test thing is still pink.


    any help would be greatly appreciated.

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