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Blad Klaber

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Posts posted by Blad Klaber

  1. A.E. Worx is back up and running it looks like. I still wish their customer support was better. On his website it explains some of what happened, yet on his SL profile there is no explanation, and no response from him or anyone to my notcards. Oh well, glad it's working again.

  2. I make my own products that I use the AE Worx system in. This has nothing to do with Inside Studios. I'm finishing up a Yacht and I have the AE Worx home control system in it to control doors, windows, blinds, security, etc. If AE Worx closed down then I have to get a new home control system. I hope this isn't the case as I have a lot invested this system. I was just wondering if anyone else has been having a problem or heard anything about this issue. 

  3. I have the A.E. Worx house control 2.0, but it quit working. The updater doesn't work, the website doesn't work, and the landmark I have for his place isn't working. Is anyone else having issues with A.E. Worx products or know if he shut everything down? I can't use any of my products I've made that have the home conroller in it, because on rez it automatically logs into the website to check for an update. Since it can't log in it wont work. I sent him a notecard, but no response. I was really just wondering if anyone else is having the same issues I am.

  4. One more thing. I got my sit/unsit to work. I can unsit unwanted guests now, but they just stand on the seat. How can I integrate llPushObject with llUnsit? It seems once they have been unsat, the script doesn't push them. If I add PushObject before the UnSit it doesn't do anything including unsiting. 

    Here is a bit of the script so hopefully someone can see where my mistake is:

    touch_start(integer total_number)
     {key sitter = llAvatarOnSitTarget();
    llUnSit (sitter);
    llPushObject(llDetectedKey(0),<0,0,100>,<0,0,0>,TRUE); }


  5. I'm new to this forum so I apologize in advance if my questions have been repeated a lot. 

    I'm looking for a script that will sit an avatar in a vehicle using a pose I have, but gives the owner the option to force the guest avatar to unsit, or eject them. My problem is I made boat and I have unwanted avatars sitting in it and I can't remove them while I'm driving. I think it's a pretty simple script, but I'm still new at scripting.

    I also would like to know if there is a simple script to give the boat owner permission to allow the boat to be driven by owner, group, or anyone.

    I've spent days searching the marketplace and googling these issues with no luck. I've been studying the basics of scripting, but have a long way to go before I can write one of these on my own. Hopefully someone can help me.


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