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Zaphod Bartavelle

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Posts posted by Zaphod Bartavelle

  1. That was the way I went with when I first started working on the script, however I did want to verify that and am glad to hear about the lighter resource usage as well.  The only downside is the lack of channel capabilities, which can be easily worked around of course with one of the parameters passed to the event.  Thank you for the clarification/confirmation.

  2. Hello,

    I am working on a set of scripts where I need the scripts to communicate back and forth with one another (within a single object).  There are numerous ways to handle inter-script communication, but I am looking to find the most appropriate method.

    llSay(...) has the advantage of using channel numbers

    llMessageLinked(...) has the advantage of multiple parameters being passed.

    Both functions would be viable solutions to what I am trying to accomplish (with slightly different internal processing), but can someone advise if there are any other factors that I should be considering when choosing the proper method of communications besides what I have listed above.

    Thank you


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