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rickie Corbeau

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Everything posted by rickie Corbeau

  1. i get the same thing, green on payment info and 100% for the test. still says i need to take the tutorial. and if i try to upload anyways, it crashes the viewer as soon as i push calculate. hey linden man.... what up bro?
  2. the dif between v2.6 and 2.7 is the addition of shadows and more realist lighting. it actually looks almost 3D but you gotta run your graffics on a really high ssetting. and i know some people dont have pcs able to run those kinda graffics. as for why i run v2 is simple. v2 you can attach multiple things to one spot. ive yet to see that in any other viewer (to my experience) and im just used to the lay out of v2 verses the others.
  3. ok i gotta go with the bug i guess. i completely uninstalled viewer2 anf then reinstalled version 2.6 and now my piercings look right. ty everyone. hey LL i know yall are hard at work on the next version right? this time let the bug be the inablitiy for freebie clothes to look like they are painted on lol.
  4. i think the trasparency bug maybe the problem. if ive uploaded a pic correctly this will show what im talkin about. and as far as firestorrm, i have it and dont really like it.. i dont remember why tho lol. the closesy 3rd pparty viewer ive found to v2 is catznip. its laid out just like v2 and even has rlv. but sadly no physics lol. and i will try setting my self up for manual updates the top pic shows the piercings before the update, barely noticable dimple piercings. if i was even wearing them lol. the bottom pic show my messed up dimple piercings.
  5. ok i tried that and it didnt help. im wondering if its a bug in the new version of v2
  6. yes ive tried rebake, clear group cashe, set on boxes that clear visible cashe, deleted cashe from my c drive in the sl folders, renderunloadedavatar, ive even tried the old default avi trick. but still have this problem. it only happens on viewer2 and im the only one to see it. my piercings were fine til yesterday i also noticed one of my skins the face went black and had skin colored horizontal lines acrossed it. it the only skin that does it too. im at a loss.
  7. hmmm. this seems to be a viewer2 problem.. i see them fine when im on 3rd party viewers. ehhh i cant stand 3rd party viewers. LL help there a problem with viewer 2
  8. i dont know if this is the correct forum to do this in but. ... im having trouble with my piercings. for some reason the balls such as the dimple piercing and showing bigger then usual and have a rainbowish tent to them and well as being somewhat transparent. others are elongated or misshaped. it seems to only effect my piercings and only effects me on my screen. others see me fine. but this is irritating to me. is there anything i can do to get my piercings back to normal?
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