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Starry Rae

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  1. That's interesting what you say about the Beetle losing physical and coming to a stop on sim crossings. I have not tried the Beetle on sim crossing yet but it has happened to me just last week with a different Haru car when going at a fast speed. The best way to get the car moving again is to go into edit and just move the car left, right, up or down, just one of them quickly, then after a couple seconds you should be able to get the car moving again. But its still a pain in the butt to have to do that hehe. I have never used mouselook on a car so can't comment on that and I also never wear a hud. The Palamo is a good choice of car, I've had some fun in that 1 and got some great lap times in.. Also being only 18 prims is nice, my lowest prim car I own, I was impressed when I noticed that. Yay to mesh
  2. The Leste is based on a Renault Alpine A110 and the Palamo is based on the Toyota Sports 800. Both are really nice cars actually with setting's to change steering, gear ratio's, downforce and a few other options. The main cars I personally use for racing are made by Haru, IMO the best in SL. I would highly recommend the LE FA M based on the Lexus LFA or the TO 20 GT M based on the stunning 1960's Toyota 2000gt. All Haru cars you can change settings such as, steering, downforce, grip, slide, seating position plus you can save notecards into the car's to remeber your settings. Plus have settings for drifting, normal road use and track use. I will be honest with the Haru cars and that is the Demo's at the store don't do the car justice, so if anybody is interested in a Haru car, IM me and I will happily let you use my own set up cars Oh I don't work for her, I just like to see people get good cars
  3. I am getting this message constantly and I am uploading to my profile feed correctly, I am not uploading a snapshot from my hard drive or inventory. This is using the newest Second Life Beta viewer and Exodus viewer. It used to work but for the last 2 weeks all tries have failed.
  4. Hello. This is a known problem. To fix it, clear your cache and log into a region that is not on the Magnum servers. 'Lime' for example. Here is the link to the Jira https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6501
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