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Rhonda Pinion

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Posts posted by Rhonda Pinion

  1. Also: Ich komme immer noch nicht mit meinem Hauptaccount rein. Gestern kam ich aber auch gar nicht auf irgendeinem SecondLife Webseite- Es kann also nicht NUR am Inventargröße liegen.

    Habe soebem mich bei meinem Internetprovider gemeldet und bei mir liegt kein Fehler vor. (Habe ich vorher schon gewusst aber...) Ich bin bei 1&1, aber es läuft nunmal durch eine Telekomleitung.

  2. About 9 years of getting Rho to look like she does - and about 40000 outfits in her inventory. (Ok. Admittedly, it would help clear my inventory some, but I happen to like most of her stuff...)

    Yes, there are times when taking pics that a mesh body may be easier to work with, but I still like her.

    The only thing I have splurged on for her are Slink feet. Mainly for stockings - and not having to deal with those attrocious system feet if I want to wear any. LOL

  3. Something that has always fascinated me is that every AV (and/or alt) takes on their own personality. It is always me behind the screen and at the keyboard). They each have their own character traits and styles. And it does sometimes take years to find their personal styles. And yes, I am getting to the original question of the post... LOL

    What color I would want to be left with for my experience in SL would depend on which AV I was in. My main would naturally be red. It is the signature color of her hair. It has been for years.

    As for some of my other alts: I have one that would fit in a blue environment. A "white". A couple more "reds". Several "blacks" or maybe sepia. One I would have trouble with because her personality is hippy-ish and colorful.

  4. You could, instead of expanding out your business out of your preferred range of creation, coordinate and cooperate with creators of jewelry, shoes, etc. that would compliment your style of clothing that you sell. They may be thinking the exact same thing. "I would like to expand in to clothing to expand my store, but don't have the energy, etc." Let them concentrate on what they are good at. You each have your own client base, but, they should "over flow" in to each other's stores. I have seen this done quite often.

    And together you could hire a promotional manager and spread the costs there.

  5. Wenn Dein Titanic in ein Rez-Box verpackt ist, ergo Du rezzt ein Rez-Box und Du klickst drauf und das Schiff erscheint, kannst Du es genausso wieder loeschen, bzw. de-rezzen. Einfach nochmals auf den Rez-Box klicken und ein Menue sollte erscheinen wo man "derez" auswählen kann. Das einzigste was Du Dir merken musst ist wo dieser Box steht wenn Du auf Wanderschaft innerhalb oder auf'm Schiff gehst. Du darfst einfach nicht auf "finalize" (o.ae.) klicken sonst musst Du wirklich die Einzelteile greifen. Nachdem Du "derez" ausgewaehlt hast und die Einzelteile verschwunden sind brauchst Du einfach nur den Rez-Box wieder in Dein Inventar zu nehmen.

  6. I have one piece of mesh clothing: A beautiful leather coat. It is beautiful, BUT... my AV is pregnant atm. Not in that jacket she isn't. Thanks to the alpha layer and the set size of the mesh, she is now the same size as everybody else that wears that jacket. Even if she is not pregnant, she has a quite oglistic size bust (not one of those "over the top and beer bottle holding protuding" ones). She has troubles in sculpted clothing already, but that is usually atleast resizable to a point. Her curves are part of her.

  7. *looks at you absolutely blank* Clean inventory? Huh? Oh - I think I threw out two notecards the other day. Does that count? *grabs a flashlight and wanders off mumbling, in search of a specific outfit in her 79000 item inventory*

  8. How about trying just bangs? I know several hair places sell those, like Analog Dog for instance.



    (@Amethyst: Ooops. The reply was meant to go to the OP...)

  9. "After all, the purpose of granting exclusive rights to trademark holders is to keep others from using the mark on goods that are similar to what they sell, misleading consumers about their origin.  No one would ever confuse virtual shoes with real shoes."

    Those that are RL designers and are selling the virtual version of their creations inworld - or the SL designers that are selling "real" versions of their inworld creations - might heartily disagree with this statement.


    @RoidStroke: No I haven't.

  10. I'm not sure if I'm understanding your question about the prim correctly, but if I am:

    You make the prim yourself by using the build menu in your viewer. You will start off with a simple box. You can then edit that using the Edit menu. I don't know what shape water surface you are intending on making, but a square/rectangle would simply be stretching the prim box you have rezzed to fit whereever you intend to have the water. If the area is round, change the object to cylinder. Other shapes would require sculpties (as mentioned above).

    And the script goes in to the Content tab of the prim.

    I would start by learning the basics of building first.

    (If I am fully misinterpreting your question, I will use the excuse that I am ill and should be in bed instead of sitting here reading the forum. LOL)

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