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Sarrah Docherty

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Posts posted by Sarrah Docherty

  1. Ok, I'm a bit new to the forums so I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section but I went with the closest one I could to what I'm offering.


    * Want a small to medium apartment to call home in a (cyberpunk) themed community with its own Hangouts, Art Gallery, Shops, Playable Arcade and Dynamic Weather? don't want to pay an arm and a leg for it? then try Neo Machina:

    All apartments are 2L$ a week per prim.

    All shops are 3L$ a week per prim.

    must rent 5 prims at a time, minimum for apartments is 25 prims at 50L$ a week and minimum for shops is 10 prims at 30L$ a week, maximum an apartment can have is 200 prims while the maximum a shop can have is 75.


    * Pictures of our wonderful little city:

    # 01

    Neo Machina 01.jpg

    # 02

    Neo Machina 02.jpg

    # 03

    Neo Machina 03.jpg


    * Slurl (second life map link) to us in-world:


    (you can also find us by searching "Neo Machina" on the in-world search, or  by directly sending me a notecard requesting a tour)


    Special Thanks to Piraiyah Novikov for building 80% of such an amazing city for us to enjoy!

  2. First off this is my first post to the forums so I'm sorry if the links don't come through correctly, but here goes.

    also I'm folloing you now =^.^=


    * A few general SL groups on Flickr here:






    * Also some for photos of a certain theme, if you do any that match them:






    * Finally I'll post links to some of my groups (hope you don't mind!) so here they are:




    I'd suggest looking for groups using any one of these seach terms (trying one at a time):

    Secondlife - Second Life - SL - Metaverse - Virtual -  In World - Virtual World - Avatars

    then try them in combination with a few simple keywords, like "Virtual Dance".

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