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Tikuf Arun

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Posts posted by Tikuf Arun

  1. Thank you all for your comments, I've taken them and tested what was suggested and have some results for that are interested. Also I never would have guessed that was the purpose of the "Pose Stand" category was for that, different times.

    Changing the MP listing, though still within the business/retail/pose stands from 0L to 1L.

    Within 72 hours, the listings posting had changed from an unknown page beyond 96+ to page 1. A very impressive improvement indeed.

    Thank You to those who said they would have paid for this pose stand. But I hope you appreciate at it's core it was designed to be shared unrestricted. Charging anything other than 0L is I believe a restrictive practice, when it might be needed most, such as new player who starts with 0L, though more importantly breaks the spirit of the products own license. (CC 3.0)  As a compromise, perhaps a creative solution could be to "winrar trial" it, by utilizing the "demo" function of marketplace and clearly indicating that the demo is just the full product.

    Thanks for the rant

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  2. I feel honored that my product the TMT Pose Stand can be featured so prominently, so often, and so fraudulently on the marketplace.

    While as far as I can understand my listing, though older by years, the only difference I can see is that I don't charge Linden for the TMT Pose Stand, and for that reason my own listing is suppressed, even when searching keywords.

    Anyone have any suggestions as far as trying to raise the listing within the category?

    My Listing: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/TMT-Pose-Stand/1265232



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