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Maxxi Short

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Posts posted by Maxxi Short

  1. My groups are being flooded since EVERYONE seems to be getting this problem at the moment. I've even tried TPing to a void sim and can't rezz there. I've TPed to lots of regions, and can't rez stuff anywhere - getting exactly the same error message as the original poster.

    I expect LL will give the usual canned response about resetting your router, but it seems to be an asset server problem. It would be nice if the status page just admitted this, instead of pretending that everything's fine when it's clearly not.

  2. I have a (messy) solution to my problem now. Since others outside the US are having the same issue, I thought I'd post this workaround. If anyone has an easier solution, I'd be grateful!

    I'm using Excel 2003, which is an old version, I know - it may be easier in later versions.

    1. Download the CSV file from Marketplace and open in Excel. This will give you columns A to L (Date, Order #, SKU, Item, Order Item ID,Buyer, Recipient, Price, State, Commission, Distributions, Net amount). Column A has the date in the format 05/22/2011 17:50

    2. Select the date/times in column A, and tell Excel this is US format by clicking on Format then Cells, go to Special, go to Custom, and enter mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm in the format box (it's not one of the available options if your locale is set to anything other than US, so you have to enter it manually).

    3. We're going to create two new columns, M and N, which will have a date and a time in. To do this, select the block of date/times in column A, click on Data, then Text to Columns.

    4. This brings up a window showing the data and asking if it's delimited or fixed width. Choose delimited, then click Next.

    5. Now you're asked for delimiters. Tick "space". The display then shows a line separating your dates and times. Click Next.

    6. The first column is highlighed in this window - and that column now just shows a date in US format, and the column data format radio button has "General" highlighted. Select "date" instead, and choose "MDY" from the drop-down box to tell it that it's currently in that format.

    7. The box labelled "Destination" currently says $A$2. Change this to $M$2, then click Finish.

    8. You now have two extra columns, M and N. M is the date (now in non-US format), N is the time. Excel actually holds these as numbers internally, M being a largeish integer (the number of days since a certain date), and N being a float less than 1 (0.5 means 12:00, for instance). So to merge these two columns back into a date/time field, we add them together. Go to cell A2 (since row 1 is the header row with descriptions rather than data) and type in the formula =M2+N2

    9. You'll see it change straight back to something like 05/22/2011 17:50 again (just as it was in the first place) but with a subtle difference - it's right justified rather than left justified. Yup, Excel now knows it's a date/time and NOT a piece of text. Copy this formula down to the other cells (I just select the cell and drag the bottom right hand corner down over all the entries in column A).

    10. Now we've converted everything in column A to a proper date, just select all the entries in column A, and click on Format and Cells again, choose custom as before, and this time select the date format as dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm, and all your dates will change to non-US format.

    11. Finally - although this spreadsheet *looks* OK, column A contains formulae, not data - so fix that by selecting everything in column A, then Edit and Copy, then choose Paste Special, and select "values" to paste just the values and not the formulae back into column A.

    12. Now you can safely delete columns M and N, to make your spreadsheet look just like it did in the good old days before this release when you downloaded your transactions :)


  3. Blackdog, I totally agree - ISO format would be great, *and* consistent - because that's what SL already uses in its transaction logs for inworld purchases. A standard format for both Marketplace and in-world would be excellent.

    I do have an old version of Excel (2003), but I can't see an option to format a cell in data I've downloaded as "Euro". I can change my locale for a group of cells between US and UK, but the downloaded data is in the form mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn which doesn't seem to correspond to any of the known "date" formats in Excel (presumably because it's a date and time combined), although when it's in dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn format, it sorts perfectly.

    I can half get round it now by changing the locale for those cells to US format, then sorting - and it sorts them fine. But the dates are still displayed in mm/dd/yyyy format, and I can't get Excel to display those as dd/mm/yyyy. It seems as though once it's downloaded, Excel thinks it's text. Unless I'm missing some totally obvious Excel function that will do this?


    But as Blackdog says, ISO format would work for everyone - and would be compatible with the in-world transaction log format.

  4. It says "CSV download now works for non-English locales". However, it now seems to assume that we're all Americans!

    My CSV download for transactions used to output the date and time of the transaction as dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm, so I could just open this in Excel and copy to my master spreadsheet.

    Now, however, it outputs the date in US format only - so column A of my spreadsheet reads mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm, which won't sort on date in Excel (since my regional setting are for standard date format, not US date format).

    This is actually a real pain, because there doesn't seem to be an easy way of getting round this - I'm having to insert columns, put a formula in to treat the date as a string, split it by "/" signs and re-arrange the month and date. It had been working just perfectly until now.

    Any chance of fixing this so it worked like it used to?



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