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saphyr Roxan

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Posts posted by saphyr Roxan

  1.  Hello, I have a problem with my camera angle on the official viewer, it is blocked from behind corner when I walk in automatic, it suits me, but on firestorm I can not adjust the angle for that it remains fixed and does not always stay in against diving when I walk. Could anyone help me please to tell me what I need to check or uncheck to achieve the same result as in second life firestorm official viewer, without walking back against diving, thank you in advance

  2. Hello, I have a problem with the official cache viewer, impossible to stay connected it disconnects me when I log on, I cleared the cache and changed location but nothing happens, I changed taking another avatar that works best for the viewer offcial connection is stable and my main avatar him not at all, it connects with a hard on any sim crash and as soon after, I logged more than 10 times and I lag a lot on the go, you can not move right, any tp is a mess, what can I do to loosen up my avatar to its cache of V3?

  3. bonjour, j'ai un souci de build pour des sculpties depuis plusieurs mises a jours de second life, quand je veux modifier la repetition par face en horizontal sur la V3 officiel viewer, impossible il est bloqué a  100 au plus haut donc impossible pour moi de faire des sculpties de plantes. Est ce quelqu'un a trouvé la solution pour débloquer ce chiffre a  256, merci d'avance pour ceux qui repondront.

  4. hello, I have a desire to build for sculpties for several days to put a second life, when I want to change the repetition by side horizontally on the V3 official viewer, it is not blocked at the highest was 100 impossible for me sculpties to make plants. Is this someone has found the solution to unlock this figure to 256, thank you in advance for those who respond.

  5. I installed the new update but my skin does not completely ground half of my body is paleup exactly, even when changing skin and it remains the top is pale pink, and not the same color as my skin !
    does anyone can help me solve this problem bug V3 please, thank you in advance

  6. qaund j'ai mis la nouvelle mise a jour de sl2 (2.7.2) je n'ai plus acces a la pge web direct par sl2, ni a la recherche , ni au profil, pourquoi, serait ce a cause du plugin media que mon anti virus a mis en quarantaine quand j'ai installé la nouvelle version, alors que j'ai redemarré le pc?

  7. Today I put the new update sl2 (2.7.2) and after ca I have direct access to home web page and profile of my contacts as well as a research pr sim name or is it because of the media plugin my anti virus has quarantined because since the new version 2.7, it always asks me to authorize it and what I did, even restarting sl2 today ' Today I have no direct access to web pages, why?

    thx for answer

  8. oui tt a fait je susia llée voir cest un bug detecté par dautres a cause de la mise a jour c un peu galère mm les objets recus st noirs et tu ne sais pas a qui tu reponds faut faire gaffe arffffffffff jespere ca sera vite reparé avec une nouvelle version sl2 car je ne changerai pr rien au monde trop bien pr builder lol

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