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skylei Caproni

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Everything posted by skylei Caproni

  1. Unfortunately, it's only available for Windows....Mac isn't supported. How is the Second life viewer? Will it kill my MacBook as this new release of Firestorm?
  2. Honestly I am skeptical in loading the new update. I have a new MacBook Pro and I don't think my MacBook can handle the graphics. People are telling me that it will kill my MacBook and SL will run super slow. I spent a lot of $$ on my MacBook Pro as you know Apple is not cheap so I don't want it fried when it's new. For now I"ll have to stay with the old viewer. However, what happens when FS says that it will no longer support the older viewer ....I have to leave SL? FS needs to keep a viewer that will run for Macbook's and other computers that will not be able to support the new features. Another thing....How do you get rid of the red pop up for updates....It's a pain to have to see that when I log.
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