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ZigZag666 Nosferatu

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Posts posted by ZigZag666 Nosferatu

  1. Currently own and operate a rental sim for Gacha resellers, a tenant is selling their own gachas using Disney prints and there has been some debate on copyright issues from other tenants.  They downloaded the prints from this site, http://overthebigmoon.com/free-disney-princess-silhouette-prints/

    The site does say: "These prints are for personal use only. You may not sell them in digital or physical form."

    What are the lines of copyright infringement and should we take down their machine? being that all dancers are copywritten music and gestures are mostly copywritten soundbits. Any help on this matter would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

  2. i dont think so :/ ive tried a couple different visa g-cards.  It depends on the system thats running the card, some systems recognize the card if the card is registered under your zip code, but some systems like SL and Hulu, only recognize if the card registered has no conflict with the address.  unfortunately most gift cards only register by zip code, and the ones ive tried that you register by address, such as Green Dot, the systems still dont recognize the card.  Theres almost to much security implied with SL and Hulu payments, where as VuDu and Pandora have a very low security payment system.

  3. I rented some property from Blooberry estates about 3 days back, then a day into using the land the sim turned red and everyone on it got ejected.  for a day the sim was red and noone could teleport to their property, now the sim is entirely gone.  We have all tried contacting the owner of the sim to address the issue but noone has got a response from the owner.

    Everything i had built, by hand , sculptys and prims which turned out pretty **bleep** good, is gone.. It would be nice if we had had some warning that the sim was going down or being deleted from the GRID, but noone was told about anything and now not only did we all lose our hard work but we all feel robbed since those lindens were real money that was put into the land rental..

    If there is anything Linden Labs or Second Life can do to address this issue or atleast let us residents know what exactly is happening with Blooberry Estates, please let us know.  Lots of pissed off people in the group who feel robbed and betrayed.


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