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Thane Genesis

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  1. I entered in my master card into my account, then i went to the page where I could purchase some L. But for some reason it didnt go through, Multiple times. I tried a hour later and it still didnt work. I looked online at my card amount and it shows Linden charged my card 1.00 $ two times, and i still cant by any L. Whats going on?
  2. UPDATE: I just need a texture artist now :3 L WILL BE REWARDED!
  3. Im in need of someone who can create a simple batch of textures for a avatar im making and its parts. If theres someone who can do both these things that would be awesome! 8D. And of course I will be offering L as a reward, not too much though. All youll need to do is create some simple textures. If your interested please contact me in game :3 And as soon as possible too, we'll also work out a price. But im not paying like 5000 L for something this simple XD.
  4. " open your control panel to unistall your current driver" Youll hafta be more specific in telling me where and how to do that. "Go the the driver you just downloaded and install it." Where do i find it after i restart once?
  5. CPU: AMD Phenom 9100e Quad-Core Processor (1800 MHz) Memory: 4094 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows Vista 64-bit Service Pack 2 (Build 6002) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce 9500 GS/PCI/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 7.15.0011.7578 OpenGL Version: 2.1.2 libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v6.4.1 Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Voice Server Version: Not Connected Built with MSVC version 1600
  6. I run on WIndows VIsta and my card is a Nvidia, i think...
  7. Wait, so I hafta get a new graphics card? But my PC should be able to handle SL graphics. It did before. Did Linden up the graphics or something? I cant get a new card, those cost a fortune here.
  8. Since the last update, everytime I open my veiwer, the game starts ok, but then the screen turns black and I get this pop up that I dont understand. I re installed the viewer just in case and it still does this. Anyone can help me? Please? I work as A DJ so I NEED my viewer to be working. http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l110/wulf_02/ugh.jpg
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