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Yababa Earthboy

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Posts posted by Yababa Earthboy

  1. Today I was leaving groups and accidenlty left my flagship group called Yababa World, LLC in-world. I had alt by the name of Yababaworldllc who now is the sole owner of the group and an account that I don't have access to anymore.

    I forgot the E-mail and password to this account, but I need it badly because it's the only way I can return as owner of the group. It took me a while to build this group. I don't want all the hardwork to be for nothing. Can someone else help me?


  2.   There is no doubt that this idea sounds awesome. I researched the thread starter in Second Life®, but the account profile is empty, with no active groups and thus appears inactive. I believe if there is a mafia in Second Life® that because of new standards and abilities given to land owners that the mafias that used to exist don't anymore - at least not in the same capacity as the used to. You can find out a wealth of information about these mafias from past and recent times by googling "Second Life Herald" - a news paper which has since changed it's name back to it's original.  

  3.   There is no doubt that this idea sounds awesome. I researched the thread starter in Second Life®, but the account profile is empty, with no active groups and thus appears inactive. I believe if there is a mafia in Second Life® that because of new standards and abilities given to land owners that the mafias that used to exist don't anymore - at least not in the same capacity as the used to. You can find out a wealth of information about these mafias from past and recent times by googling "Second Life Herald" - a news paper which has since changed it's name back to it's original.  

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