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Pam Renoir

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Posts posted by Pam Renoir

  1. Thanks so much for the information. I'm going to try your suggestion of manually keeping track or using a prim counter for now and see how it works - it just seems like it will be so much easier as long as people are willing to watch their limits. And I guess that's assuming people will be interested in setting up a space to begin with. I really appreciate your thoughts on this as I really wasn't sure if I was thinking about it the right way.

  2. I am building a vendor area with pre-fab units where people could have satellite spaces to advertise their SL builds or sell a few items related to the estate theme. Normally I would just use a rental box system, but I don't want to charge rent. I know that is probably not the norm, but for now I would just prefer not charging as I am more focused on providing a themed space. I looked at the rental box system, but it seems so complicated to set up when I'm not really interested in payments. I thought of just charging $1L a month but don't want the vendors to even have to hassle with that. Does anyone know if there is an easy way to just assign and track prims on group land or is there a way to just use the rental boxes but not charge rent? I'm just not sure of the best way to do this.

    Thanks for considering my question.

  3. This was happening to me whenever I used a high graphics program like Second Life or World of Warcraft - wow was it frustrating. After about a year of trying everything, I read a comment on a forum that made me start thinking it might be the power supply. I looked up the specs for my graphics card to see what size power supply was needed and realized mine was way undersized! I think mine was 300 W and the spec said much more than this. So I put in a 750W supply and added a portable computer fan (because the tests I ran showed the card was also overheating) to blow on the card and now my computer hardly ever shuts down (it only happens now if the fan falls over). I suppose since I added both the fan and the power supply at the same time, I can't really be sure which one helped more. But I won't buy another computer without looking at the power supply size and making sure it is big enough for the card.

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