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Linda Spargel

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Posts posted by Linda Spargel

  1. To clarify a little bit more: The texture on a prim is not the actual website, so to you it is just a graphical interpretation of a page from the website, it has no code or whatsoever behind it (unless off course the prim contains a script as well, this however should always be a script approved by Linden and the ToS). Hence it can not "know" your IP address until you actually physically make contact with that prim and then you will always be redirected to the actual website itself, only then will this website know your IP address.

    For more information about what is is and how it works look over here:



    Message was edited by: Linda Spargelcorrected a typo

  2. Doris,

    as long as you don't interact with that prim (ie using the website on the prim) it can not connect to your computer and therefore just by looking at it nothing could be happening. Using a website will give that website your IPaddress, otherwise it could not send any information back for you to view.

  3. Glenn,

    I have some professional experience with the 6910 laptop from HP (having worked in the IT department of a company that used high-end graphics like Solidworks), it did tend to get to hot for the graphics chip to be functioning as it should, so the advice for better cooling seems to be a viable and cheep thing to try.

    Hope it will work somehow

    Hence we used the 8710w for those people who needed to work with high-end graphics...


    Message was edited by: Linda SpargelAdded a final sentence

  4. Hehe, LOLL.....

    I've built a reef underwater on my piece of land (WELL, piece........ it's more than 12k sqm).......... Would be troublesome to find all my fish, corals and plants (let alone the megaprim ground textures) back if I would have to raise and then lower the land.

    Used megaprims to lay over the water now and given them an ice structure, so problem solved, added a small snowstorm on my land as well. But thanks anyway

  5. As far as I know the objects you gave to other persons would stay as they are.. But also with the same rights so people could not ask you to change them or transfer them. This might get them in to trouble when they want to move from one sim to another because they have NO way to transfer your items (as they can't take them in to their inventory).

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  6. Hi all,

    I was just wondering how people would feel if the could change Linden water on their parcel to ice in the winter season, (Something they cold walk on and had a icy texture)? In stead of using prims or even mega prims to achieve the same goal. I don't know wether or not this is achievable at all within the current programming of SL but in my eyes would be a really fantastic add-on to the possibilities offered already..

    Message was edited by: Linda Spargel Ehhhm where do I mark this as a question?? Seeing no option for that.

  7. Have you checked weather or not they were really online or just asumed they were?? Even in SL the friendslist only mentions if one is online or offline untill you actualy write them an IM...Furthermore the secondlife.com website can by definition not be Real Time, it depends on how often the site gets refreshed (in my eyes once every minute or 2).

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