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Jaci Lurra

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Posts posted by Jaci Lurra

  1. Hi there. I'm Jaci. I've been in SL for many years, but always enjoy meeting new people! I am the owner of CheekyGeeky (Home Furniture and Decor) as well as the Empress of the Eternal Restless Bloodlines Horde. 

    I enjoy family RP, Bloodlies RP, breedables and buliding. Please shoot me an IM if you'd like to chat! Smiley Happy 


    Jaci Lurra

  2. Eternal Restless Horde is a new, laid back, family RP friendly clan. We pride ourselves on loyalty, trust and unity of all races. Each member of our Horde is a valued asset and we earnestly welcome new members into our family whom share our same values.

    We welcome you to our headquarters featuring gaming tavern, lycan woods (a great place for alternate weddings ;) ), embracement temple, meeting space and capture the flag style Bloodlines War games. This sim is also the primary home for horde royalty.

    If interested, please visit us here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tarnished/58/72/25

    BL Haunt Page: http://www.slbloodlines.com/haunts/14041

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EternalRestlessHorde/

    IM Jaci Lurra or Leny Neox for more information

  3. Hi there Chanty. I'm Jaci. I've been in SL for many years, but always enjoy meeting new people! I am the owner of CheekyGeeky (Home Furniture and Decor) as well as the Empress of the Eternal Restless Bloodlines Horde. 

    I enjoy family RP, Bloodlies RP, breedables and buliding. Please shoot me an IM if you'd like to chat! :) 


    Jaci Lurra

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