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Wrong Wright

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Posts posted by Wrong Wright

  1. you know, I never did way what program.  I am using Blender.  Thinks it was around 2005 or 2006, I first learned about it and started working on some model but I stopped after making a few. I started following the mesh project in SL and now am "relearning".  I just love the new interface for blender.

    Perhaps starting with learning to make good model, without worrying about poly count is way to go.  Then later, start to develop a sense or "eye" for how to make them low poly.


    But gawd yes, modeling is just aspect huh.  That's all I learned in my first experience with Blender, now it's textures and is very challenging.

  2. I am newbie starting out with this and looking at some tutorials and such on how to build.  What I am wondering about is building strategy.  I strated making my own thing and not from a tutorial and am now wondering does one...

    a)  Bulid an high poly/tri model from the vert beginning and then cut it down to size for import into SL?


    b)  just learn how to build low-poly from the get go?



  3. Thank you both for your help in answering my problem.  I am very new to this and try to spend a little each day looking at the program.

    I'd that is  a good idea Nacy, I should take a look at each of those unwrap options, not like they're going to bite me.  I should "play" more with this.  Following tutorials does tend to narrow my focus and choice of tools.


    I've gotten quite quick at rotating the texture now.  I hope to explore then the projection thing shortly and measure the results.


    Again thanks to your both.



  4. hey hibit..

    I'm using the latest version of Blender 2.62.  Mac OS 10.7.3 (Lion)  

    I researched the answer Nacy gave me and little while later I just literally selected the UV texture and rotated it 180.  And that worked.

    That seemed to work for me.  I am just damn curious why one has to jump thru this hoop at the very beginning of texturing.  I am using the default settings.


    I've read about the normals and that to me just means the "face" defined by the vertices?  In other exercies of learning this stuff, i've attempted to make double sides.  That in and of itself is for another post but essentially I am trying to duplicate the plane and  "flip" the normal on the new plane so it points in the opposite direction of the other.


  5. Catchy title huh?

    Sorry to ask this question, I've debated about asking it because unfortunately I've not even been able to get past this problem past blender and into SL.  Also debated becauase it may be so simple, I'll kick myself for not figuring it out.  Bruised enough as it is learning Blender.   Anyway...


    My steps...

    1. delete default box

    2. Add Mesh plane

    3.  split screen and enable uvmapping environ

    4.  tab into edit mode on the plane

    5.  unwrap it from the menu on the side

    6. Add material in properties

    7.  Add my texture,  making sure to change Mapping Cooridinates to "UV"

    8.  go to Uv screen and add image there with alpha and checker board pattern

    9.  Select my texture

    10.  Make sure the "Keep UV and Edit Mode mesh selection in sync" is active

    11.  Change from edit mode to Texture mode to see my work of art on the mesh.  Instead it is upside down.  Always.  I've seen videos of ppl doing this without doing anything else special ( that I can see ) and all time their textures are oriented in same manner as the original texture in the uv mapping screen.  Why do you think my Mesh plane always shows upside down?


    Very Wrong Wright

  6. I would say look on the internet for the blender communties to fulfill questions and critiques.  I would say 80% of the questions in the future are going to be strictly Blender user questions.  The communty sites also have sections of critque, and since 3D models can be saved of as a .jpg you have better chance of getting critque and feedback.  If you did the same here, then you'd only get half the crowd to resond as some are Maya or other 3D program users and they'd not be able to tell you how to achieve better results because they don't know Blender.


    If people want to show off things they built, I think a specific 3D "Show Me" forum would be fun to look at.  I just don't think it should be program specific.  

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