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Synclair Lavendel

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Posts posted by Synclair Lavendel

  1. I was thinking along the lines of when I tick, for instance, "copy mod and transfer", it will only show me things that have all three permissions set. Would it not be possible to include "under license" as a category? So that, unless I tick that box, I don't see them. I agree that most builder's materials, quite understandably, have limitations of use but there are some that I have found that say "do with it what you want" and others that have no terms of use specified. They are difficult to find, though, because of being flooded with "under license" goods. I've spent hours sometimes looking for "truly full perms" or open source/public domain things because of having to sift through the licensed things. I've even tried searching for "no license" goods but the system thinks I want licensed goods. I thought it might be a good idea to be able to narrow it down a bit. I should explain that I'm not specifically talking about products bought to sell/give away as they are, but materials, kits, meshes, etc where you must make them into an "end product" by texturing and/or incorporating them into your own builds. I suppose that in itself is a kind of license anyway, so perhaps I should be asking for advice on what search terms to put in to get "truly full perms" products (I tried that search term and it doesn't understand what I mean by "truly full perms" and just displays full perms and "under license" goods). Anyways, thanks for reading this and I think I've found a workaround; tick all boxes (copy trans and mod) then search for "resale". It cuts out a lot of products that are licensed (though you still get some). I suppose it is more complicated than I had initially thought because the system is not a mind-reader.

  2. I've noticed on Marketplace that there are options to include/exclude items that are Copy, Mod or Tranfer. It would be useful if we could do the same for "Under License" products such as building materials. Many claim to be "Full Permissions" but on closer examination are actually "Under License" and have restrictions on how you can sell/give them and what permissions your end product must have.

    Being able to exclude such products would be helpful, especially for those who want to make an end product that is free or donate them to newbie areas for free distribution to newcomers.

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