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liberty Mynx

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Posts posted by liberty Mynx

  1. Just a shame that they let this go so badly. Something also strange has happened to me today, I was working on my own store on my land and I got bombarded with several notices, I started reading these and it hit me that I read them before, in my email, so I checked the date of these IM's and notices that I just received, one was dated December 8, then December 22, and two from December 26 and five more from December 28. It is January 4, and I just got these. I really don't understand how they can keep ignoring issues that will surely drive some of us Second Life users away. Just crazy, Thank you Valerie, for taking the time to answer, greatly appreciated.

  2. I have been recently having problems with marketplace deliveries.  I placed an order for 5 items 4 days ago and still they never arrive.  Had to contact the creators and only 1 out of the 5 have replied back and replaced my item. Thank you Alexandra.  Also, problems with receiving marketplace items that are being sent to me as gift.  They never do show up.  Contact has to be made to the creator and then again, if I am offline I do not get the replacement items either.  Is anyone else having this problem?  Did anyone else have this problem and find a solution they would like to share.  I have uninstalled the program and reinstalled incase there was corruption somewhere but still no help.  Please, any suggestions are gratefully accepted.

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