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Nikolai Fellini

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Posts posted by Nikolai Fellini

  1. A failed experiment...

    I will be closing Les Belles in the first week of October.

    We started Les Belles to provide a safe place for photographers, bloggers, and models to meet, socialize, collaborate and learn from each other.

    Many had expressed to me, their dissatisfaction at losing the immersive, social aspects of SL past.

    So we sought to bring back some of the good old days, at least for the sub-group of SL Flickrites. SL needed no more photogenic sims, or photo backgrounds spots. Excellent ones existed.. Our niche was to bring social aspects to photographers, bloggers & models.

     However, there is clearly not the interest that I imagined.

     After our first 3 months, here are the facts:

    700 Flickr group members

    400 inworld members, of which over 60% never once came to the sim

    Only 10% have ever participated in any event on the sim

    Only 3-5% participated in contests

    Only 2-3% attended parties.

    Less than 1% attended discussion groups

    Only 10% answered our surveys, about preferred events & times.


    I want to thank Sara Lukas and Aash Writer for the beautiful sim they built. And thanks to those who enjoyed it.

  2. Nice blog post by one of our members:

    Like Minded People

    Like Minded People

    From challenges and competitions for photography, for modelling, blogging, a place to find all sorts of scenic destinations, to balls and dances and meeting like mined people....

    Les Belles Isle..

    Folks at one of the weekly events a ball - a chance to meet other people in the group and just chill with tunes.


    This is a group only venue targeted at a specific group of folks, models photographers and bloggers.. However if you like to know more or join the group please

    IM Nikolai Fellini in world for group invite

    or visit


  3. Congratulations to the winners, of our 2nd Photo Event

    1st - Christiana - winner of 2500L$

    2nd - Charli - winner of 1500L$

    3rd - Kina - winner of 1000L$

    Their pictures will hang in the Permanent Gallery.


    Details on the next event:


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  4. I really like Sunny's backdrops myself. There are four great sims dedicated to photography: Sunny's, Backdrop City, Focus Magazine, and now Les Belles.

    We all serve the same community, but from different perspectives

    Sunny's - amazing collection of backdrops

    Backdrop City - more great backdrops

    Focus Magazine - galleries & magazines.

    Les Belles - Provides a safe space for photographers, bloggers & models to hang out, meet, learn & collaborate. Has no backdrops, instead seven different landscape zones to wonder through.

    I think all photographers should join each one. I have invited Sunny's, Backdrop City & Focus Magazine to place a free poster on our sim, with TP to themselves.

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  5. Our Second Photo event starts Monday July 10 and ends Friday July 21.

    Les Belles Isle is an invitation only sim that provides a safe place for Flickr photographers, bloggers, &  models to gather inworld, socialize, learn, & collaborate. Send NC to Nikolai Fellini to request an invitation.

    For this event, we ask that members invite another member to collaborate. It should be someone new to you. You can invite another existing member or someone you like on Flickr and invite them to join Les Belles Isle. Place your pictures on the easels by the club.

    The top 3 pictures made for the event, will be placed in our Permanent Gallery. Prizes will also be awarded as follows:

    1st - 2500 L$
    2nd - 1500 L$
    3rd - 1000 L$

    Full Details Here:   https://www.flickr.com/groups/14821077@N24/discuss/72157721918988249/


  6. Les Belles Isle is the new gathering place for photographers, bloggers, and models. There are seven different photogenic zones. Here is a view of the promenade.

    The sim is invite only. All photographers, bloggers, and models are welcome to join. IM Nikolai Fellini or Sara Lukas inworld for invite.

    Pizza for breakfast


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  7. This quick video of the new AI tools in Photoshop is a game changer. For example: have a photo you want to add a dog to? Use the lasso tool to pick the area, type "dog" and it generates 3 different images of dogs. It can do all the things the AI image tools do, but it controls how & where you use it, in your images. It does not change the whole image, but creates new layers.

    For example, with an SL pic, you wish the building in the pic was wider, lasso the area, hit "generate" and it gives you 3 versions of how the building would look, if wider.

    I have never felt tempted to use AI in my images, but this is a big temptation. Who of us will move to the dark side?




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