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Bunny Masukami

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Everything posted by Bunny Masukami

  1. Ah ok! I will do that thank you! ^^
  2. Did you make sure you hit the "Apply Button" And then export it after that? Sometimes you can forget it. And you have to make sure you do it for every piece of object. If you did this and it doesn't work. Then try to send me a message online in SL and i can help better.
  3. I have the same problem. Its even saying 11 out of 11 questions answered right. I really want to upload my meshes in Aditi. I also tried the link givin in the wiki but it simply is dead because i tried it 100x over 2 days. (might want to remove that link) Its all very misleading and confusing from out the wiki. Cant wait to upload my meshes! Please have a look at my account. Thanks in Advance Charlar i see you replying everywhere working real hard doing this manually!
  4. Im glad you got it too work! Would love to see what kind of things you cook up! ^^ x
  5. Try this one: Second Life 3.0.1 (238613) Aug 16 2011 12:05:22 (Second Life Beta Viewer) Latest Beta Viewer. Still very strange though! =O I feel with you! ^-^
  6. For me it even shows 11 Question answered correctly. And its not letting me upload anything. Am really looking forward into uploading some meshes ^^ I also tried visiting: http://secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com/my/account/mesh.php But that link didnt load for me.
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