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Valen Greymoon

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Posts posted by Valen Greymoon

  1. I believe I have found a fix for this issue. Find the item containing the script that is giving the error, un-link it, then re-link. I've not gotten any errors in a 24 hour period by doing this. Before, there was error spam every so often, but now it seems fine. Hopefully this works for the rest of you having this problem.

  2. I've been getting this error for less than a week, at an average of once a day. The following is the error I'm getting:

    [13:26] llSetPrimitiveParams error running rule #1 (PRIM_TYPE_SCULPT): time exceeded. {RootName Mouse - Head, RootPosition { 164.693, 18.5169, 22.2465 }}

    This just occurs randomly like all the other reported cases. 


  3. I have had the same situation since July of last year, and after a lot of searching, experimenting, and hair pulling, I have come across an answer. I have read that the Nvidia SLI system (for use with dual graphics cards) is very dependent on drivers and can be very snsitive in its operation with SL. Therefore, it is suggested to run with the SLI disabled. I have done this, and found it to be 100% effective (at least on my laptop). Hopefully it will solve other peoples' issues as well.

  4. Addendum to previously posted solution.

    If the problem should occur again, due to a crash, log onto the standard viewer, and clear the cache, then repeat the original steps listed in the previous post. I know its a pain, but that's SL for ya.

  5. Another fix for stubborn, repeated cases of bake fail (AKA the cloud).
    This worked for me, so hopefully it will work for others also.

    1). Log onto your regular viewer (the issue seems to only effect 3rd party viewers), and default your avatar by performing a character test.
    2). Log off, letting the viewer close on its own, then log onto the standard SL viewer.
    3). Open each of the MAIN folders one at a time (no need to open any sub-folders you have created), and wait until one loads completely before opening the next.
    4). Once step 3 is complete, and your inventory is fully loaded, go to the CURRENT OUTFIT folder, right click, and select REMOVE FROM OUTFIT.
    5). Rebuild your avatar, including all normally used HUDs and / or extras.
    6). Log off the viewer, and re-log onto your normal viewer. Your avatar should appear properly at this point.

    As stated above, this has worked for me, but may not work for all cases. I have tested this successfully on 3 of my accounts that had this same issue.

  6. I am having a major problem with s griefer who is personally attacking me by using any number of seemingly innocent devices containing a script, which, when the device is used, spams the hell out of my local chat with profanities and derogatory language. This person has even gone as far as placing freebie boxes containing said devices, that passes them to whomever wants them. These unsuspecting folks then use the devices, which, unbeknownst to them, do the griefer's dirty work, as seen when the device name is clicked in chat, different ownes names show up. I have managed to get a hold of one of the devices (a large toy hammer, in this case), and pull the script, but it is unreadable. I get spammed like this no matter where I am, like I am being tracked with something, or my avatar key is being used for the purpose, as a friend suggested. Is there anything I can do to stop this, as it is making it not so enjoyable to be here any longer. PLEASE HELP!!

  7. I am having a major problem with s griefer who is personally attacking me by using any number of seemingly innocent devices containing a script, which, when the device is used, spams the hell out of my local chat with profanities and derogatory language. This person has even gone as far as placing freebie boxes containing said devices, that passes them to whomever wants them. These unsuspecting folks then use the devices, which, unbeknownst to them, do the griefer's dirty work, as seen when the device name is clicked in chat, different ownes names show up. I have managed to get a hold of one of the devices (a large toy hammer, in this case), and pull the script, but it is unreadable. I get spammed like this no matter where I am, like I am being tracked with something, or my avatar key is being used for the purpose, as a friend suggested. Is there anything I can do to stop this, as it is making it not so enjoyable to be here any longer. PLEASE HELP!!

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