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Mulligan Silversmith

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Posts posted by Mulligan Silversmith

  1. I love the coding style you, well I have looked it over little and I would have setup a one fuction just allow or Deny. But its your style not hating hehe. Anyways anwser to your question there no way it stores the name after being sent back to owner that is why it pick up the object's owners. But I see a way around it, with storing the "X" user name in objectsdesc. Here I'll rewrite you bold area for you. You don't need repick up X as getting the disable name while that still store from start of script so I change that part to pick up name after being store and sent to owner for allow or deny.


    string X = (string)llGetObjectDesc();                                if(Selection == "Lick"){                llListenRemove(listener);                listener = llListen(92612,"",owner,"");                llDialog(llGetOwner(),""+Name+" would like to LICK your tail.",["Allow Lick","Deny Lick"],92612);                llSetObjectDesc(Name);            }                if(Selection == "Allow Lick"){ {                    llSay(0,""+X+" kneels behind "+owner+" and begins to lick her tail..");                } }                else if(Selection == "Deny Lick"){ {                    llSay(0,""+X+" tries to lick "+owner+"'s tail, but gets batted away.");                } }            if(Selection == "Hump"){                llListenRemove(listener);                listener = llListen(92612,"",owner,"");                llDialog(llGetOwner(),""+Name+" would like to HUMP your tail.",["Allow Hump","Deny Hump"],92612);                llSetObjectDesc(Name);                X = Name;            }                if(Selection == "Allow Hump"){ {                    llSay(0,""+X+" paces around behind "+owner+" and presses themselves against her back..");                } }                else if(Selection == "Deny Hump"){ {                    llSay(0,""+X+" tries to hump "+owner+"'s tail, but gets batted away.");                } }            if(Selection == "Lift"){                llListenRemove(listener);                listener = llListen(92612,"",owner,"");                llDialog(llGetOwner(),""+Name+" would like to LIFT your tail.",["Allow Lift","Deny Lift"],92612);                llSetObjectDesc(Name);                X = Name;            }                if(Selection == "Allow Lift"){ {                    llSay(0,""+X+" grabs "+owner+"'s tail and lifts it.");                } }                else if(Selection == "Deny Lift"){ {                    llSay(0,""+X+" tries to lift "+owner+"'s tail, but gets batted away.");                } }                llSetObjectName( origName );    }}


    Hope this helps you out, maybe some else will have a better anwser for you :) 


    P.S I haven't tested it in game so if you get or have any problems Please message me back i'll get right on it!

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  2. That just my faviort quote, I was tutored by someone in my high school programming class that said that :) An he one that got me over too dark side.. The darkside meaning coding hehe


    but you edit. The sound you enter the name of it or UUDI key, and for animtion you put name and make sure the sound/animtions are in the object/gun. For the ammo its name of bullet/ candy rock. Speed and Delay you can just leave alone for now :)

    string reload_sound=""; string fire_sound="";string aim = "";string stand = "";string ammo = "";      float SPEED = 75.0; //Speed bullet will go            float DELAY = 0.2; //60.0 = 1min
  3. This is a simple script you can modify, but this might give you a idea on what too use. You can setup this script so it reads off a hud making it so you can switch between bullet (Candy Rock / Grenade). But as for animation/sound you're on your own I'm only a scripter :D


    /** reload Sound - Sound file of reload, found in inventory(UUDI WORKS)* fire Sound - Sound file of gun firing, found in inventory(UUDI WORKS)* aim - Animation file of Aiming down sights (Looking Mouse view)* stand - Animation file of Pose stand while standing still* ammo - Name of bullet / object shooting* SPEED - Bullet Velovity set by m/s* DELAY - Time spent reloading (This is set so you can't spam the bullet) by m/s*/string reload_sound="";string fire_sound="";string aim = "";string stand = "";string ammo = "";      float SPEED = 75.0; //Speed bullet will go            float DELAY = 0.2; //60.0 = 1min           /*Best too leave alone*/                                vector vel;                          vector pos;                         rotation rot;                       integer have_permissions = FALSE;                            integer armed = TRUE;                                      fire(){    if (armed)    {        armed = FALSE;        rot = llGetRot();                       vel = llRot2Fwd(rot);                   pos = llGetPos();                       pos = pos + vel;                       pos.z += 0.75;                                                                                                          vel = vel * SPEED;                               llTriggerSound(fire_sound,0.8);         llRezObject(ammo, pos, vel, rot, 1000);         llTriggerSound(reload_sound,0.8);               rot.z = rot.z *-PI ;        llRezObject("Shell",pos+<-0.0,-0.0,-0.0>,-llRot2Left(rot),rot,0);                                                llSetTimerEvent(DELAY);             }}default{    state_entry()       {        if (!have_permissions)         {            llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(),                  PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION| PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS);           }    }     run_time_permissions(integer permissions)    {               if (permissions == PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION| PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS)        {            llTakeControls(CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON, TRUE, FALSE);            llStartAnimation(stand);            have_permissions = TRUE;        }    }    attach(key attachedAgent)    {               if (attachedAgent != NULL_KEY)        {                        llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(),                  PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION| PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS);           }        else        {                       if (have_permissions)            {                llStopAnimation(stand);                llStopAnimation(aim);                llStopAnimation(stand);                llReleaseControls();                llSetRot(<0,0,0,1>);                have_permissions = FALSE;            }        }    }    control(key name, integer levels, integer edges)     {                if (  ((edges & CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON) == CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON)            &&((levels & CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON) == CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON) )        {                        fire();        }    }        timer()    {               llSetTimerEvent(1.0);        armed = TRUE;    }  } 


  4. Indeed griefer will most likely not use this, figure it would be more of a personal used script. Tip jars / buildings / bullets other stuff :)

    But most griefer are pubs too scripting world, Make this into a object and giving it out too griefer they might not know different.. :D

  5. What are some of thing you would like in the script? Give me list like example


    • Aim Animation
    • Stand(Hold) Animation
    • Fire Sound
    • Reload

    I could do something just simple just shoot with no features. Or I could add them if you want


  6. This is a little world help me script, it helps you and the sims you're on or were on. This script is setup so if the player leaves or quites game it will check see if they're still around if not it will delete the object. This is helpful for anti-spamming sims just in case you forget a item or lose it.


    This is a open script edit/sell/modify do what you want and please with.

    key owner; integer DieTimer; default { state_entry() { owner = llGetOwner(); llSetTimerEvent(60); //timmer is in seconds 60sec = min and so on. } timer() {//timer, Checks in player left or crashed if (llKey2Name(owner) == "") { //he's not in this sim DieTimer++; if (DieTimer > 2 ) // Gives the user sometime too come back, just in case they crashed. { llInstantMessage(owner,"You'r Object was delete!"); // Let's user know object was delete llDie();//he hasn't came back yet } } else { //in sim llInstantMessage(owner,"Your Still in sims"); // Gives you a warning letting you know object still here just in case you crashed. You may remove this is want DieTimer =0; } } }//end of script


  7. Have a custome keyboard animation you want to use? But you really don't want change the deafult one in setting well here is a little helper. This script is simple use to help those who have cool animation and want to use it when they start  typing something. Example keypad on your cool " Wristcomp ".


    Simply add the script and your animtion and watch it go!



    Make sure to add your animation UUID or name.


    string Anim = "EXAMPLE"; // The Animation you want to use when you type!
    // You can use UUID or animation name.. If you choice do name make sure the animation in the object with same name.
    list anims = []; // Script of Animation they user has if any..
            anims = llGetAnimationList(llGetOwner());
            if(llListFindList(anims,[(key)("c541c47f-e0c0-058b-ad1a-d6ae3a4584d9")]) != -1) // This is Second life UUID
            if(llListFindList(anims,[(key)("c541c47f-e0c0-058b-ad1a-d6ae3a4584d9")]) == -1) // This is Second life UUID
                 llStopAnimation(Anim); // Stops your typing Animation



  8. With this script your able to send out a message to everyone in the sims. Simply type out a message "/1 You need stop Shooting" and a dialog will be sent out to everyone in the sims. They can choice to simply ingore it or okya it doesn't matter.



    What you need to know:
    Type in Channel /1
    /1 mMessage   ("Must type mThen your Message" Example /1 mTest Test, Hello Everyone.")
    /1 s     (" You only need say "s" To get message out to everyone" Example /1 s " You must add a message to be sent out!)
       on_rez(integer message) 
        listen(integer channel,string name,key id,string message)
            if(llGetSubString(message,0,0) == "m")
                string message = llGetSubString(message,1,-1);
                llOwnerSay("message changed to " +message);
            if(llGetSubString(message,0,0) == "s")
                llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 96, PI);
        sensor(integer count) 
            integer i;
            for(i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                string message = (string)llGetObjectDesc();
                llDialog(llDetectedKey(i), message, ["Ok"], 12345);  



  9. Want to be able jump like a super hero? Are you in the mood to jump over a building? Why fly over it when you can jump! Here's a Super Jump tweck.. This simply just changes the default jump so you can be cooler then anyone else. Sure they could fly but can the jump as high as you?? Hur hur. Anyways



    Simply make a Object throw this script inside and attach it as a HuD. Click on it and your ready to go!


    This script is bestly use inside of a hud attach to yourself.
    Simply make a box or use a (already) use hud and add this. Simply click and jump!
        touch_start(integer total_number)
            state Super_Jump;
    state Super_Jump
        state_entry ()
            llOwnerSay("Super Jump on.");// Lets the user know Super Jump enabled
            llSetForce(<0,0, llGetMass() * 6.2>, TRUE);
            // Sets it so you'r able to jump just alittle bit higher then default
        touch_start(integer total_number)
            state default;
        state_exit ()
            llOwnerSay("Super Jump off.");// Lets the user know Super Jump disabled
            llSetForce(ZERO_VECTOR, TRUE);
            //end the superjump tweck and set it to default



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  10. Yea you really cannot make it so object can tell who what in a group rank. You would have to setup some kinda of whitelist telling the object/script who what rank. But you would also  have to update everytime someone new add or leaves.


    I added a Rank Item Giver back at the Top! Hope that works out well o.O

  11. So I added a Rank(Speical Person) Item giver as well with old Group giver. So both are most the same, the only differents is with the Rank giver you need to add player Names you wish to give items to.


    Group Giver:


    //Make sure to set the objects Group to same as below.. It's under General Object Options!
    string item = "Object"; // The item you would like to give out
    string group_name = "Linden Lab"; // The group you would like to give the item to
        on_rez ( integer start )
            llResetScript(); // Resets the script on rez
        touch_start(integer total_number)
            integer group = llSameGroup(llDetectedKey(0)); // checks to see if the person clicking on the object has the same active group as the object, returns TRUE or FALSE
            if ( group == TRUE )
                llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), item); // gives the item to the person who clicked on the object
                llSay(0, "Thank You");
            else if ( group == FALSE )
                llSay(0, "Only members of the group " + group_name + " may receive the inclosed item. If you are a member of the group " + group_name + " please put on your gourp tag try again.");
                // Tell who ever click on it that they don't have their tag on or they are not apart of group!



    Rank Giver:

    With this script make sure add the player name in list! Remember to add the old account name of player and not new display one. Also you could change it so it checks if player in the group and on list but I figured that take more time to send out items. Cause they are already on list O.o


    string item = "Object"; // The item you would like to give out
    list Names = ["Mulligan Silversmith","Mulligan Linden","Mulligan Pimp"]; // The names of people you want give items too
    For the name you need type it how it is on their profile with Caps and lower Cases
        on_rez ( integer start )
            llResetScript(); // Resets the script on rez
        touch_start(integer total_number)
            integer who; // Who is touching me!
            integer Index;
            Index = llListFindList(Names, [llDetectedName(who)]);
                if (Index > -1)
                    llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), item); // gives the item to the person who clicked on the object
                    llSay(0, "Thank You");
                    llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(who), "Sorry, your name is not on the list."); // Let them know their name not on the list!



    Please Report Bugs/Problems!


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    • Thanks 1
  12. Do you have really neat art/vender setup all around and want people to stop sitting on them. Well act now for only L$ you can get the all in one None Sit Script! (sorry Just alittle humor)


    This is a very none sit script. Slap it in anything you want to stop people from sitting on. Billboards/Venders/polls/lights etc..


    Thats really it. Need help or anything else just leave a message I'll get back to you asap


    Fixed! Thanks to "Dora Gustafson"


    string who; // This is setup so you can add new features. Like a List or something
            llSitTarget( <0.0, 0.0, 0.01>, ZERO_ROTATION );
            llSetSitText("No Sit"); // Set the sit text to something new like NO SIT
        changed(integer change) 
        { // something changed
            if (change & CHANGED_LINK) 
            { // and it was a link change
                if (llAvatarOnSitTarget() != NULL_KEY) 
                { // somebody is sitting on me
                    who = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); // Declares what who means
                    llUnSit(who); // unsit the Avatar
                    //llInstantMessage(who,"You cannot sit on me!"); // You can use this to display a message to whoever trying sit on object



    By:Dora Gustafson


    • One script will cover a sphere with the sense radius (in this case 10meters)
    • Can unsit up to 16 avatars no matter if they are on one or more objects
    • Will work for agents sitting on the scripted object and agents over land owned by the scripted object's owner

    LLSensor could be called in any event handler
    Some might find it better to use a llSensorRepeat in order to make a scan at regular time intervals



    // 'sense unsit' script by Dora Gustafson, Studio Dora 2011
        changed(integer change)
            llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 10.0, PI);
        sensor(integer num)
            integer i;
            for (i=0; i<num; ++i)
            if (llGetAgentInfo(llDetectedKey(i)) & AGENT_ON_OBJECT) 
                llWhisper( PUBLIC_CHANNEL, llDetectedName(i)+"! Do not sit!");








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