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Ancient Lavarock

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Posts posted by Ancient Lavarock

  1. 17 hours ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

    We’ve added three new Categories to Marketplace:

    • Gachas
    • Anthropomorphic
    • Animated Objects


    This is a lovely step in the right direction!

    However I do have a minor concern, which has already been mentioned here.

    What about feral stuff? Most of my store is mods for feral avatars such as TWI, BRDMRT, etc. Anthropomorphic usually means non-feral animals. Where should all the feral stuff go?

    I am happy about them actually taking the issue in question seriously though. Now, it's just a matter of spreading the word of its existence.


    Though, now I'm suddenly wondering... What will become of the Furry Accessories category? Anthropomorphic has sub categories that seem to cover everything Furry Accessories was apparently supposed to be used for!

    Anywho, once again. I'm pleased that this has gotten some attention and consideration. Who knows what this will hold for the future and growth of SL!

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  2. Oh gosh.

    So, first of all. I didn't realize that Jira tickets were public. :l I hope the way I wrote it hasn't caused too much grief or trouble for the people mentioned, and if it has, I am deeply deeply sorry.

    I am very happy to see that the issue is being looked into. I really hope that we can get some new categories so that things can be kept neat and tidy, while also following the listing rules of the MP. The last thing I wanted to do was put something in the wrong spot, throw on the wrong keywords, etc. So having stuff torn down from the MP is a little disheartening.

    Anywho. Uh. Yeah. Thank you all for the support, comments, concerns etc. Again, I do apologize if my ticket caused any problems with how I worded things. I didn't realize it would be a public thing and just figured it would be one of those "put your suggestion in the box and hope it gets drawn one day" sort of deals.

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