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Anne Willful

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Posts posted by Anne Willful


    Baloo Uriza wrote:

    Anne Willful wrote:

    I don't understand why LL keep persisting in developing a viewer which hardly anybody uses. Wouldn't they be better just offering the basic viewer to get people started and put the money saved on viewer development into improving the infrastructure and rest of the user experience?

    You mean, like they're already doing?

    I understand there is a viewer 3 to follow the little  used viewer 2 but I've never seen any one using it. (or ever will do now the ability to see what viewer someone is using has been taken away)  so it seems they are still developing viewers


  2. I really cannot understand why LL would want to piss off the majority of their users ( in most sims i visit tpv are used by 80-100% of all users) unless they really want to get rid of these users

    Putting the announcemnt out on the second life viewer forum which is one place no TPV user is likely to look suggests that they do


  3. I have the same set up more or less and Phoenix works in most places - though lags in some.


    Viewer 2 etc is hopeless for me


    I see the technical explanation but until LL recognise that most non-gamers buy standard laptops without enhanced graphics they are going to continue to put off a lot of the new people they are saying are joining in record numbers



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