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Miachi Amulet

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Posts posted by Miachi Amulet

  1. The 404 says that it can't be found and if the problem persists that I need to contanct someone about it,  When I tried to do that it said something about protocol and messages.  [btw, I'm in bed at around 10 to 11pm,  I have JUST NOW woken up.]   I'll check out the links and see if they will solve my problems. x.x  I hope they do.  I'll reply to this thread if they don't with more info.

  2. I have the following: Shockwave flash player, Adobe Flashplayer, Java and Quicktime.

    I DO NOT use Internet explorer, I use Fire-fox.

    The problem that I am having withinn the client of second life is that I cannot.

    1. Teleport to another place, when I try to it gives me a 404.
    The places that I am trying to get to are marked as GENERAL.

    2. Cannot search for places in search or in classifieds.
    When I try to search in the classifieds it bounces me back to the front page of the search option IN the client.

    These are problems that are occuring IN secondlife,  For a computer I have a H-P Windows Xp service pack 2. Intel core2 CPU t5600 @1.83GHZ, 2.0GB RAM, ATI Mobility Radeon x1300.  I do not know if that makes a difference or not, but those are my computer specs.

    I have tried everything under the sun, I've updated every plugin I have, I updated my graphics card and I've switched from advanced to basic and still NO CHANGE.

    This is also posted as a question, but I have yet to get a response on how to fix it this issue.  If this is a problem withinn SL itself, Could someone tell me it is, Please?     I'm not asking for much.  Just a reason as to why I can't use SL like everyone else can!   This has become an incredibly frustrating issue.



    The 404 I get:

    Uh Oh, Something ran away.


    Page not found.

    Either the page you tried to access cannot be found. or you are not authorized to access it.

    If you contuine to recive this message, please send a note to webmaster@secondlife.com   <-Edit.

    It also gives me another 404 when I try to send the note TO the webmaster.


  3. I've explained this question four different times, I've tried EVERYTHING that's been suggested.  EVEN ATTEMPTING TO CONTACT THEM WHICH WAS WHAT I TRIED FIRST.


    So, **bleep** you guys.  I'll just cancle my account since you guys are a bunch of useless MORONS who need question explained 600 different ways before you can understand the **bleep**ing problem.

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