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Bonnie Bowenford

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Posts posted by Bonnie Bowenford

  1. All the technical arguments aside, simply from the standpoint of usability, this is just unequivocally a complete train wreck.  Unresponsive and slow ... I mean so slow!  Just scrolling down to get to different filter options is ponderously lagged.  No easy way to just get to a listing of events of a specific type, by time, without jumping through hoops.  Want to get to a list of live music events for the day, by time, and scroll through them?  Nope, that's no longer a couple clicks and a drop down.  This used to take seconds.  I've timed it multiple times now using the new search.  My best time is 52 seconds.  Visually cluttered results are a complete mess.   I could go on and on, but why bother.  I don't know, it's so confusing how anyone could have looked at this and said, "Yup, boys and girls, good work, we're done with this project, let's launch it!"

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