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Alexis Iskast

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Posts posted by Alexis Iskast

  1. Looking for a regular DJ at the new Tremors Ladies' D/s Club.  We have many events planned for this month, including an opening party, collaring party, birthday party, and rez day party.  Contact Alexis Iskast, wichita2199 Resident, or hermione bouevier about this job posting.  We are looking for dancers and hostesses too!

  2. I am trying to figure out how to detect if an avatar X and Y location is within an L shaped area.  I've seen it done before but curious on how this is being done.


    list protect_x = [233.365100,223.688900,223.688900,228.208000,228.208000,233.365100];
    list protect_y = [214.940700,214.940700,208.975000,208.975000,204.834500,204.834500];
    vector getPos(key owner)
    vector pos = llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(owner, [OBJECT_POS]),0);
    return pos;
    touch_start(integer total_number)
    key id = llDetectedKey(0);
    vector pos = getPos(id);
    llOwnerSay("Your current position: "+(string)pos);
    float x = (float)pos.x;
    float y = (float)pos.y;
    llOwnerSay("X: "+(string)x+" Y: "+(string)y);
    integer len = llGetListLength(protect_x);
    integer i = 0;
    integer j = 1;
    integer G = FALSE;
    while (j < len)
    if (x > llList2Float(protect_x,i) && x < llList2Float(protect_x,j) && y > llList2Float(protect_y,i) && y < llList2Float(protect_y,j))
    if (G == TRUE) { llSay(0,"You're in protected area");} else { llSay(0,"You're not in protected area");}


    The area is an L shaped area.  Just really hung up on this one :\

  3. Tier was due yesterday, so wont be due until 11/14.  Why pay $1000 to LL for a sim?  Why buy a sim from someone so they make money?  I don't want your money, I make zero profit. 

    I will give you full estate rights as soon as deal is made and tickets are setup.  $295 for this month's tier, and $100 for transfer.  Included in the transfer is the ability to choose new location (if you like) or rename it.


    Contact me, my SL username is Alexis Iskast or my alt  Chandra Birdsong in world and you can have it now.

  4. Needing a designer that can make a realistic prison guard uniform for a realistic prison role play environment. Already have uniforms for the inmates. I am expecting some BTU's style prison guard uniform with utility belt with flash light, cuffs, keys, baton, etc that you would normally find on a prison uniform. Would like a female (skirt) and male version, short sleeve, long sleeve, pants, and service style hat. Would be a plus if have the ability to draw/holster a baton and flash light using chat commands (baton would attack of course!) but not necessary. I will require copy/transfer as this will be for prison staff. Get with me for more details. I do understand hard working craftsmanship does not come cheap, so you will not be low balled with this project. Can contact me in world as Alexis Iskast (might be best to send a notecard or just find me online) or simply reply to this post and it'll goto my email. Thank you in advanced.
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