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creampie Pootawn

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Everything posted by creampie Pootawn

  1. Please read my question before answering,,,,,my merchant outbox will not recognize my existing marketplace store,,I'm using Fierstrorm 401 and also the latest sl viewer,,I've already recieved my "recieved items folder\|" and still no matter how m,any times I relog ,clear cache or reinstall,,the merchant outbox does not and will not recognize my store as existing,,,what welse can I do,I filed a jira and theres like 500 complaints from peopkle with my probl;em already there,and no answers that work for me
  2. I have 2 stores on 2 avatars,each avatar has their own store,,,my second avatar has her own store diffrernt from the first and she CAN load her outbox no problem,,but my main avi and main(first)store CANNOT load her merchant outbox and the main store isnt recognized as an existing store,,even though the store has been on marketplace for months and months using the magic box sytem.Ive tried logging into MP ,then logging out,and back in,,Ive tried changing the language and then back,I've tried chearing caches and clean reinstalls,,I've tried complaining to LL and writing a ticket and they SENT ME BACK HERE.
  3. I cant load my merchant outbox because this new system doent recognize my store,,I've tried everything suggested i the JIRAS AND even filed a ticket with LL,but they sent me back here fir a visious circle jerk
  4. okay,,I have 2 avatars and 2 stores...One store is fine and I can load the merchant outbox and all is well,,but on my other avatar and her store ,I cantr load anything onto the merchant outbox,,,that store still has everything loaded into the magic box,but when i go to put a folder into the merchant outbox,I cant,it wont let me,,this has been going on for 3 days,LL wont help me because I'm not a premium member and no one else has bothered to help or suggest why its happening,
  5. I have 2 stores and 2 avatars.My other store is running smoothly with the merchant outbox,,but my store on this avatar wont load at all,,right now everything in the store is running out of a magic box,,but I cant load anything into my merchant outbox,,WHY????
  6. How do I open another different store using the same avatar?
  7. Although I did receive an answer for my first post concerning an item I have shown in "featured items",my second item has not shown at all in 2 days,and there are a total of 12 items in that featured item page(not 14,000 as I was told in my first question) Can some one have a look at this and tell me I',m wrong or right in my question? Cream's Floating Tower-Blue(copy)Feature this item on the home page (L$899 every 7 days)380 / 3561 / 35610 / 0 / 0activeCream's Red Oak with swirling Sprites & Ooohms(copy/mod)Feature this item on the home page (L$899 every 7 days)405 / 4825 / 49530 / 7 / 7active
  8. I paid to have an item I have in Marketplace as a Featured item,and yet its not showing up anywhere,,wwhy?
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