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Nicholle Noelle

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Everything posted by Nicholle Noelle

  1. I never post in the forums, only occasionally browse them, was just looking through this thread to see if anyone mentioned "that" store (I'm assuming it's the same one, as I had a different problem with them and have subsequently heard your story from more than one person). It's a dispicible and toxic practice, really, and the owner is very rude and demeaning. They also chronically blacklist customers from their vendors to prevent them from getting redeliveries of products customers have already paid for. So, in my case, I used my OWN card there, and the system somehow glitched and gave me an error, I clicked the card again, it worked, and I later found out that the store owner had decided to ban me. I spoke to the owner/creator of the vendors they use, who told me (and the store owner) it was most likely a system glitch, and that was still was not enough to dissuade them. After a long and fruitless exchange of respectful notecards on my part and radio silence mixed with giving me detailed paragraphs-long accounts of how busy and important they are on their part, I mentioned that I am a lifetime premium SL member and clearly have no issue paying, and their reply was that they don't care if I'd spent L$200,000 at their store specifically, they would still ban me in the event of any errors that they don't understand popping up in their system! That pretty much tells me (and hopefully anyone else reading this) all I need to know about them. I tell all of my friends to boycott that place, and hope that shop and hop and the other big events will eventually throw them out as well for that sort of awful business practice.
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