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Everything posted by Rondure

  1. Thanks everyone for your help!
  2. I stopped paying close attention to the "what's next" side of SL for a while, and now trying to play catch up. If I understand correctly, we're currently here: SL has implemented PBR, requiring creators to use reflection probes and learn about environment lighting. Looking forward, I hear about a push towards implementing other glTF features. Something about animations and Blender scene imports? What does glTF have to do with animations? Do they mean texture/material animations or an overhaul of how objects/animesh/avatars are moved and manipulated? I guess Blender scene imports means what it says, that you could just import an entire scene from blender (lighting and all, maybe?) rather than individual objects? Or am I wrong there? Any other major updates in progress besides puppeteering, mobile, and the scripting changes? Thanks, just trying to get an overview and plan my next steps.
  3. I would like to learn to script and I don't have any real programming experience. I'd eventually like to do things like working with experience tools, too. As a beginner, should I be learning LSL, Lua, or both? I know Lua isn't available yet for SL, but it would take me a long time to learn LSL or Lua anyway.
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