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Akira Bellisserian

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  1. This is awesome!!! Thank you so much!! I'm going to go through these today after work. I highly appreciate it!!!!!!
  2. Clearly, you cannot respect what someone requests in a thread they created. Yes, it is a forum with plenty of people who want a full blown discussion or debate. I'm just not one of them. You can argue alone and think what ever you want.
  3. This doesn't matter to you because your race is everywhere. There is only a connection that people can feel with people inside of their race because there are things they have in common culturally. To you, it may not matter, but it does matter to other races to have time to enjoy people with a similar culture and were probably raised similarly to me. This is why I am searching for people who are my race behind the computer. You leave a comment like this and then in another comment you state that you tried to befriend a black woman in and she had a huge chip on her shoulder. Clearly, race matters to you, but only when it is within your acceptable limits. I didn't post this to have banter back and fourth like it currently has. I just wanted people to drop locations they know or frequent and be on their way. All of this additional commentary is really unnecessary and exhausting. We have to always validate the things we seek in real life, I don't feel like anyone has to validate their decisions online to anyone else. Anyone else reading this, please can the banter back and fourth stop. I don't have enough time in my day to read all of this in the hopes of someone mentioning a location. I really just want to know of locations, if you don't know one, then pass by, if you do, then mention it and continue onward. Thank you!!!
  4. Black people as in African Americans, not Secondlife skin tone colors.
  5. I wish it was that easy, but I don't have a lot of time to spare on SL and I'm lucky if I spend more than a 2 hours on it a week. Something like that takes management and time, things I don't have. It would be nice to log in and easily find a community, but I don't think that is an option any more, sadly.
  6. I don't care about opinions or how you feel on the subject. I just simply want to know if anyone can list locations where the population is predominately black and it isn't a XXX sim or/and is for interracial things. I see a few others asking the same thing, and it looks like it always ends up in a debate/argument over racism with no real locations mentioned. Please leave that out of this comment section, thank you!
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