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Everything posted by iluvparcels

  1. Hey thanks for that, its was really insightful. Can I ask about the single parcel regions? You mention the groups sharing at least 2 parcels. Can a group have more than one parcel?
  2. So I decided to get a script for this issue per Elleevelyn's advice. I got a script that will allow delete of an item with a long touch for group members. This way they can delete objects. The thing is though, after going through the hassle of scripting every object I discovered group members are able to delete items without the script. I started playing more with an alt and discovered if I click an item and it doesn't immediately give me the option to manipulate the object... I can click off and click it again and it will allow manipulation and also delete. I also discovered if an item cant be manipulated that I can use the owner to click share to group on and off and it will then work. I guess at this point I am just kind of venting frustration trying to understand these group policies correct. I think I figured it out though that items shared to group can be moved and deleted. If you want to restrict access to something (like a light switch/home control) but not give the ability to manipulate or delete it...you would give group access only. Just don't share it... Hoping someone can clarify if I'm wrong. Thanks for the help.
  3. I was able to fix it with a clean install. Thx for the help.
  4. What's weird is I have an alt I loaded and it works fine for him. I have the same settings, it's the same viewer. The exact same settings but one looks different from the other. If I reset to default settings there's no change. Reset all my settings, took off all my huds there's no change.
  5. I tried changing all the settings without any change. I tried clearing cache and restarting the PC. That used to work but not this time. These new pictures are under legacy lighting settings.
  6. The latest firestorm. My EEP is standard regional. This is on mainland. I tried changing the environments to some custom ones I really didn't notice them take effect though. The ocean water remains unchanged no matter what I change. I try default graphic settings and everything. It would do this off and on since the PBR update, by switching time of day back and forth it would go back to normal but literally it starting doing this out of the blue (pun intended). I didn't change anything it just started happening. I'm going to try clearing cache maybe that will work.
  7. This just started today, I have been able to fix it in the past by changing environments back and forth but that hasn't been working for me. Was hoping someone knew what the cause and fix might be? This would naturally only occur when I'm trying to take photos of everything
  8. Thanks for the tip, i'll give it a shot, sounds like a great idea!
  9. oh I'm going to give that a shot! Thank you!!!
  10. I was able to work around it by mass selecting and tediously unclicking every other object, once I had just that box I was able to delete it. These things are so hard to work with!
  11. Hello, I am hoping someone can help with this problem. I am trying to create a PBR mirror. The PBR box needed to make the reflection is transparent. The problem is I cant click it. Usually I can zoom out and mass click everything on the screen but this time it's stuck in a tight spot and I cant do that. Is there anyway to actually click and select these boxes?? Any help is appreciated, thank yOU!
  12. I am trying to set group permissions with a parcel I own for rentals. It is fully furnished but I want to give the tenant the ability to move or return items they don't want to use. The problem is the parcel is part of a larger plot of rentals and they are all sharing from a prim allowance pool for the region. When I deed it to the group I get auto returned a bunch of prims to get it under the allowance for that parcel. I found that out the hard way after having to replace 800 prims worth of decorations. I almost have everything set to start renting my parcels but cant figure out if there is a way to do this and still share the main region prim allowance? Any help is appreciated, thank you!
  13. Sorry for the late reply. I actually received a refund a few days later. They reached out and apologized for their absence. I feel kind of silly jumping the gun like that. I was probably just nervous and freaking out about throwing away such a large amount of Ls on essentially nothing. That and I wasn't getting any communication for days. I'm glad I didn't bad mouth them here or make any real specifics about who they are lol. But I appreciate all the replies and it's great information to consider for the future. ty again everyone for proving why we have such a great community!
  14. That's a good idea! But no, no demos. It's one of those items you need to demo in the store. I have a previous version from a few years back I was thinking I could review. Seemed a little petty but if it's my only course of action, why not maybe I'll feel better about it.
  15. Hello, was hoping someone might have some experience or insight regarding MP reviews they could share. My question is, if you buy something from an inworld store is there any way to leave a review on it's MP listing? I usually don't buy from the inworld stores for pretty much this reason, that and it's harder to keep an accurate record of all my purchases. I recently bought an item that was clearly false advertised, and it wasn't exactly cheap. I bought it inworld to save a few L's and once I discovered how I had been mislead I contacted the creator for some help. After having to convince them their listing was wrong by sending various screenshots, I asked for a refund to which they stopped replying. They also deleted the misleading segments from the MP listing (I still have the screenshots/evidence) so I know they are active in some parts of their business, just not the customer service side. I understand when it comes to spending Ls in SL it's pretty much the wild wild west and literally almost anything goes. I have given up hope the owner will do the right, or decent thing for another human being they ripped off and know I will not get a refund. But at the very least I would like to leave an accurate review of my experience with this product and it's customer service (or lack of). As far as I know I cant do that and it's not like I would pay again just to leave a review. Was hoping someone has run into a similar issue and what they recommend? I'm not fuming on it or anything but still feel cheated I can't even leave a review. I suspect that's another reason I'm being ***** on, since I cant even do that. Any insight is very much appreciated, TY!
  16. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Crescent/110/198/40 Great location in a fabulously built up area! Protected waterfront parcel priced to sell at $9999! Sail the Linden Highway and tour the classic lands of SL from the comfort of your own dock
  17. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Atira/204/22/40 Selling a great spot at a great price! Wonderful 4096 with waterfront/beach access. Sunset views and plenty of space. Price recently reduced to 16999L and wont last long. If you're interested or have questions contact iluvparcels anytime!
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