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Everything posted by grimmg0re

  1. WHATT no way how are people supposed to share their experiences / leave honest reviews if you risk getting banned anyway? Maybe that's also why they don't have anything on their marketplace so they can't have bad reviews
  2. wow.. the more i find out about this shop the more i dont wanna shop there anyways LOL this is insane
  3. Nope, even says note cards will be ignored and deleted as well 😅
  4. The issue is one of the creators with the age limit has it in their messages NOT to dm them because it will be ignored and in order to get in the group you have to pay 600 linden which is also the most expensive price I've seen to join a group I also tried to look them up on the marketplace, and they only have ONE item on the actual marketplace but have a huuuge store full of stuff in world from what I saw in my 18 seconds being there before getting autobooted for my account age
  5. I'm new to second life (been playing for about a month) and I've come across a few shops that require an absurd account age to be able to demo their items at event and even enter their store (but you can fully buy the items at events without any issue) and I'm trying to figure out why that is? I understand that some places don't allow you to go to their shop for 30 days due to greifing or something else, I'm not sure. but what is the reason for such a long account age? I would totally buy their stuff if I was allowed to demo it, but I have to wait until about September to even see their shop outside of events ....
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