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Everything posted by serabrook

  1. The thing is as a child Avatar if you've ever played as one you can go to some Sims and people will throw a fit about it you can go to other Sims and it's okay I think child Avatar should be on pg-rated Sims because in real life if I took my daughter to a strip club what the f*** do you think's going to happen they're going to tell me to f****** leave they're not going to allow that s*** if I buy my child a beer they're going to arrest me for for giving it a beer I think it should be the same rules on second Life as it is in the real life the only reason I'm saying this is if you want to play as a child Avatar good for you I'm glad but I don't have the time nor the place nor the brain cells to deal with extra rules to deal with the child Avatar if I have a PG Sim that's fine they can come but if I have an elmerated SIM or an adult Sim I don't think they should be allowed my personal opinion just because I know an adult rated Sam we're having sex and I know I'm mature Sims that's kind of just a child in a very freaking bad situation
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